Before the crisis, which has altered the global political landscape, the map of the employment in Spain had a greater participation of the private sector than by the public, as should be normal in any market economy. Ten years later, the ratio has reversed in favour of an over-representation of the public, which hampers the productivity and competitiveness of our country, in addition to aggravate their already heavy debt.

The report that today we publish draws a disturbing scenario with a view to a slowdown already sufficiently announced. Numerous agencies and analysts have been warning to Spain that the lack of reforms, the volume of its debt and its permanence in the excessive deficit procedure, place us in a particularly vulnerable position to face the slowdown in the growth or the rise of the types. The tailwinds have ended and the threat of a new recession looms over the less talented students.

The two Spains really are not the red and the blue, but that works in the public sector under the State budget, and the shielding legislative front that assumes the risk for the private company. “The part of Spanish society that obtains its revenue in the market in exchange for the provision of goods and productive services to the other has a size less than the lives of the tribute provided by her and returns to the public purse much less than what it costs,” concludes the consultant Freemarket Corporate Intelligence. The socio-economic model that we have built favors a structural imbalance that for the first time gives the State the primacy of labour on the market: the spaniards who live in the Administration-including the perceived subsidy – go beyond 700,000 to those who create wealth from the private sector.

keep this drift, the collapse of the welfare State is safe. There is No give up to the social conquests such as the health care system, public education, legal assistance or pensions; but that’s precisely why a strong economy is necessary to sustain it. The least you need to Spain, are the measures which trigger expenditure in times counter-cyclical, as proposed by the Government of Sánchez: the hack tax, the rise in irresponsible of the minimum wage, the rupture of the social dialogue to favour the trade unions or the rise electioneering of civil servants ‘ salaries above the CPI would be viable if they were integrated in a long-term strategy that provide its financing through incentives to entrepreneurship and the investment in productive sectors. Quite the contrary, the offer of public employment continues to grow. With a Government with no more horizon than the daily survival, subjected to constant reappraisals the fruit of successive arguments of his demagoguery with the reality, the economic deterioration is inevitable.

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