Safety on the road revolves around sensible drivers and safe cars. The responsibility lies with you, but it’s also intrinsically linked to your vehicle.

An unsafe car can increase the likelihood of accidents and this should be avoided at all costs. How can you ensure your vehicle is as safe as possible?

Regular servicing and maintenance

The significance of servicing and maintenance shouldn’t be underestimated. Neglecting it can increase the likelihood of breakdowns, faults, and events where you endanger yourself or other road users.

The annual MOT is a legal requirement, but servicing your car at least once a year is highly recommended in addition. This can not only keep you safe on the road but potentially reduce your need for more extensive repairs down the line.

Protect your tyres

The tyres on your car are fundamental in keeping you and your vehicle safe. They are the only touchpoint between you and the road, meaning that if they malfunction, there can be devastating consequences.

Avoid potholes and kerbs to protect the rubber, and keep an eye on your tread depth to ensure it’s above the legal requirement of 1.6mm. If yours need replacing, you can buy tyres online to give you some peace of mind and better safety on the road.

Don’t forget tyre pressure either, it has a massive influence on how your car handles and responds to your steering.

Ensure electrical components are working

Your car has many components that are crucial for safety. Electrical components such as brake lights, indicators, warning lights and windscreen wipers all play an important part in ensuring that you don’t run into trouble on the road.

Test these elements regularly and replace them if need be. You may not feel an immediate urgency to rectify any minor issues, but you never know when safety features might be required.

Consider a blind spot alert system

Some modern cars come with this feature in-built, but blind spot monitoring systems can be installed if you want to give yourself additional safety features whilst on the road.

These blind spot systems detect vehicles in zones around your car that you can’t see with your wing and rear-view mirrors. It’s a handy upgrade to have, particularly if you do a lot of motorway driving.

Improve your driving

Your car is only as safe as its driver, so focus on your concentration and ability behind the wheel to improve your safety too.

Limit distractions, remind yourself of The Highway Code, and drive only when you’re fit to do so. Otherwise, you may put yourself, your passengers and other road users in danger.