After the Lockdown, we are now again more on the go – on the weekend, but soon back on a vacation trips. Anyone who takes his dog on the Trip, do not need to observed a lot, so the Tour will be a torture for the animal.

The regulations for the Transport are governed by the animal protection law. Although they are primarily focused on farm animals, but in the same way also for Pets. In addition, persons with animals on public roads on the road must keep to the rules and regulations of the road traffic act (SVG) and the traffic rule regulation (VRV).

Which documents the dog needs?

For the entry in the EU, the dog must have a microchip. For dogs with a casting date before the 3. July 2011 is accepted, a readable tattoo. In addition, the dogs must have valid rabies vaccination (at least 21 days prior to departure). The dog’s owner must carry a by the veterinarian, completed pet passport (stamp rabies, and a Chip or identification number). For travel to Norway, England and Finland, dogs must be treated against tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis). The treatment must be within 120 to 24 hours before the entry.

How do I take the dog?

The Transport of a dog in the car should for sure be done humanely and without Stress for the occupants, and four-legged friends. In the case of an accident, unsecured dogs can be a deadly risk. A 19-pound, unsecured dog can be thrown in case of an impact from a speed of 50 kph with the force of 400 kilograms through the interior. Dogs can be secured in metal or plastic boxes, wire cages, folding or harnesses that fasten to the straps. Optimum protection for metal boxes can offer. Plastic boxes are easy to clean. Mesh cages, folding or harnesses pose a risk of injury for the dog.

As with the dog-on-the-go deal?

Pets are valid according to the SVG as a charge. Make sure that no one bothered by the dog, distracted or endangered can be. The Feed and Pet during travel, you should leave the Place of an animal on the Lap of the driver is prohibited. For long trips take a break every two hours and walk the dog.

What helps to heat in the car?

in the spring, it may due to solar radiation for the dog, life-threatening hot in the car Therefore, always in shade Parking. According to the animal protection Ordinance, Pets are not allowed during Transport in the car. When you stop at rest stops so the dog only very briefly in the car. Fresh water: dogs can’t sweat and have to regulate by Panting their heat budget. To do this, you need to drink a lot.

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