The G-20 more tense is formed with a minimum agreements on trade and climate change

Moncloa sold as a success of Sanchez that the G-20 includes “the challenge of migration as a global phenomenon”

“An incredible and productive meeting”, as defined by Donald Trump your dinner with Xi Jinping on Saturday in Buenos Aires. The two superpowers began negotiations for which are given 90 days. The president agreed to not to rise from January 1, tariffs for chinese imports by value of 200,000 million dollars. Washington had planned to raise those tariffs from 10% today to 25% and had even threatened to impose other assessments new if there were no agreement. If in three months there is a trade pact complete, it will run for that increase.

Xi, in return, granted to Trump the designation of the fentanyl as a controlled substance, so that “those who sell to the united States will be subject to the maximum penalty of China”, according to the White House in a press release. The president had asked the chinese president that “criminalice in China” this painkiller that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and is linked to increased deaths from opioid overdose in the US.

China has also committed to buy a “substantial” amount of agricultural products, energy and industry of the united States to “reduce the trade imbalance between the two countries,” says the Washington note. “China has agreed to begin purchasing agricultural products directly from our farmers”, he adds.

The dinner this Saturday in Buenos Aires marks the beginning of a negotiation on structural changes with respect to the transfer of knowledge enforced, the protection of intellectual property, cyber theft, and other matters of friction between the two giants. Both parties are committed to closing this agreement in 90 days. Not to be so, USA. yes will raise tariffs from 10% today to 25%. Trump burst in optimism following the meeting and spoke of the “unlimited possibilities” for both countries.

The two leaders shared sirloin this Saturday as if they were not waging a commercial war that shattered the world. In a conciliatory tone, they conversed for over two hours. The photo that is most expected of the first G-20 south american occurred outside of its headquarters. When the leaders of the two superpowers began their dinner at 17: 30 (21.30 in Spain), the backdrop of the summit had already fallen and most of the delegations had taken their way to the airport.

cited in the hotel where he was staying Trump and they were joined by their teams. Began with good words, without concretions. “We will talk about trade and I think that at some point we’re going to end up doing something that is good for China and good for the united States,” said Trump, who even boasted of a great relationship with your chinese counterpart. “Only with cooperation between us we can serve the interest of both peace and prosperity,” said Xi.

The president of the united states. he had kept until Friday, a rhetoric that is harsh, but behind-the-scenes political teams of the two giants worked to achieve an agreement that would allow, at least, to gain time. Trump said Monday in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that it was “highly unlikely” to postpone the rise of tariffs by the value of 200,000 million dollars, and reiterated its threat of new levies to the asian giant. But what is certain is that this was the first time that there was a certain hope in a truce, by minimum that out, since Trump began to raise tariffs on chinese products in July.

What was on the table was a covenant to delay several months, the new tariffs are expected to enter into force on the 1 of January. That is to say, to gain time to sit down and negotiate in depth. On Friday, Trump put in jeopardy the host of the summit, Mauricio Macri, following his visit to the Casa Rosada. His spokesman issued a controversial press release which states that the two leaders expressed in the bilateral their “shared commitment to address the regional challenges such as Venezuela and the economic activity of predatory china.” 24 hours later, after a meeting “highly successful”, Trump is rid in praise for Xi. The next 90 days will be key to the global economy.

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