in Italy, Too, was committed on Wednesday, the International day against violence against women. The heads of state and the head of the government, the interior Minister and other Cabinet members, business associations and trade unions, churches and culture of the people, the continuing violence against women complained and were Wake up calls to the company. In the first ten months of this year were counted in Italy, 91 Femizide, eleven percent more than in the same period of the previous year.

On Wednesday, two more murders have been reported: In Padova and in Catanzaro, a thirty and a 51-year-old woman to the knife wounds of their husbands died. As a sign of solidarity with the Victims, as well as the hope for a future without violence against women, in the evening, many public buildings were illuminated with orange colored light. The news radio, the public broadcasting Rai had put its entire program Wednesday under the Motto of “No Woman No Panel”. In order for the channel Rai 1, of the international campaign for gender justice joined. Each show was moderated by a woman (with).

For discussions about the Rai not this action of the Nachrichtenfunks, but a TV show in the afternoon program of Rai 2 with the title “Detto Fatto made but” (Said and done). This presenter Bianca Guaccero and the pole dancerin Emily Angelillo and the Italian woman gave advice on how they could occur when shopping in the supermarket as sexy, to attract the attention of any dream man.

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Angelillo was wearing a navel-free Top, a black leather mini skirt and High Heels. Then she took a shopping cart and moved these in front of a Studio positioned the supermarket shelf. And then explained and demonstrated Angelillo how to “series on the shelf to stage”. When routes to a product in the top-level rule, it was a knee a little lift. A product should accidentally fall to the ground, this is no harm, on the contrary, as Angelillo showed: Elegant, she went into the squat – the aim is to keep the legs closed, “so that the Situation is too vulgar” and rose again, while stretching out the bottom a little in the height. This is not only allowed, but displayed said smiling a buyer in the TV Studio. The presenter smiled. From the Band in the corona of spectators due to the loose Studio rustled with applause.