
Nearly all people have a social media profile of some kind. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram are intended to bring people together. The absence of interpersonal face-to-face relationships, well-curated content. General cyberbullying is leaving some youngsters to feel symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

Teens who spend more time on the internet are more likely to suffer anxiety or depression. Studies have shown that youngsters do experience harmful effects like loneliness and depression. Also, when it comes to overuse and facing cases of online bullying. Besides, there are new insights into the connections between social media overuse and how it affects mental health.

Social Media and Self Respect

Almost all teens between the ages of 13 to 17 check their social media profiles more than once a day. Some tech-lover teenagers are mindful that many people use Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and Facebook. They encourage a perfect portrayal of their identities. Some teens are also smarter than others about knowing face-perfecting filters. They can know they staged photos as edited images versus reality. Yet, purposely produced content and Instagram posts of superstars or friends looking thinner, more affluent, happier, and more good-looking. All this has the effect of creating insecurities, anxiety, and depression in weak teenagers. Teens tend to associate themselves with what they see online. These harmful self-comparisons are mostly seen in young women. Young girls tend to search for images of the perfect body or lifestyle.

Those who are Perfect

Additionally, it’s not just the teen that feels depression and low self-esteem linked with social media addiction. Those who are experts at making perfect images of themselves and their lives. They also suffer anxiety and fear rejection built on what they see online. They may even doubt if their friends honestly like their “real” personal lives. Potentiate kratom is aromatic and boost your mood

Technology Addiction and Less Physical Activity

All of us know the connection between regular exercise and mental health. Physical activity enhances brain function. In fact, training develops new skills and leads to increased feelings of self-worth and personal success. Moreover, spending too much time online leads to less interest in physical activities. Physical activity creates confidence and improves our well-being. Teens with social media addictions are all the time surfing the internet. They have no time for friends and relatives. They do not take part in physical activity. Moreover, it means fewer chances for them to gain the mental health benefits of exercise.Kratom extract vs powder What Are They? Both kratom powder and extract come from the evergreen tree known as speciosa.

Sleep Deprivation and Depression

One of the worse things about the internet is it does allow people to sleep. The addiction to social media is so intense. Youngsters spend more time with social media than with family. At night they are glued to their phones. Facebook and snap chats are all that is on their minds.

Social media addiction has led teens not to get proper sleep. Their sleep pattern has changed. All wear and tear of the body take place during sleep. Growth hormones are released when a person is asleep.

Less sleep means the body does not have energy. The person feels tired and is unable to perform daily routine functions. Every person needs at least six to eight hours of proper sleep. Teens who are glued to their laptops and phones are exposed to blue light. The blue light coming from phones and computers are harmful to health.

Tips for Parents and Teens

Parents must learn how to caringly oversee their kids’ time on the internet. They must teach them to make healthier choices. A few easy tips for limiting your teen’s social media include

Teen must learn the benefits of personal interactions. They should spend more time offline with their friends and family. Sports is a good activity that will encourage them to join their friends. The family gets together, dining out, or a picnic at the weekends will do a lot to build offline habits.

The teen should not be allowed to carry their phones to their bedrooms. The parent should monitor their kids and limit internet use, especially at night. Everyone needs to have a night of proper sleep at night.

When kids are studying, cell phones should be turned off. Phones are bid distraction and should not be allowed during family get together.

Break the Habit

To break the habit of the internet, parents can reward the kids. If they agree to limit or decrease their online time, kids should be rewarded. Taking them out for ice cream or treating them to a pizza. Rewarding is an excellent way to discourage online time and at the same time will not damage a parent kinds relationship.

Kids should be encouraged to participate in physical activity. Parents should teach them the benefits of body training. They know the meaning of quality time. Time spent with family and doing physical exercise is quality time.


Parents should teach kids what is wrong and right. All that glitters are not gold. Images you see on Instagram and on any other sites are made to look real. Indeed, fancy clothes, expensive cars, and people getting rich overnight all make believe things. Altogether, life is a struggle, and you only achieve things for which you work.

The Internet is the right place for learning. In fact, you can find a lesson on almost all topics. Furthermore, you can read about the latest tech news. In particular, reading and surfing on the net is perfect for learning. However, with wisdom, one should learn when to stop and sleep.