According to data from the Union, the grand Coalition has reached an agreement in the negotiations on a corona catch-up programme for children and young people worth two billion euros. The deputy leader of the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag, Nadine Schön, confirmed to the German press agency on Friday a corresponding agreement with the SPD.

With the tutoring and social program for children and adolescents, the Union and the SPD want to mitigate the corona long – term consequences. The programme was originally scheduled to be launched in the Federal Cabinet on Tuesday. Because there was still a need for a vote between the two sides, the decision was postponed. The Cabinet is now expected to deal with this next Wednesday.

Tutoring, language promotion, holiday trips

Half of the two billion euros are intended for tutoring and support programs for students in the countries, for example with the help of retired teachers, but also by commercial providers. The second billion is earmarked for the expansion of various social programmes to cushion the social and psychological consequences of the crisis for children and young people.