Two men have died and at least two other people have been injured this Wednesday in a firefight in Cartagena.

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A dead man and a serious gunshot wound in Cartagena

Spain records for the first time less than 300 murders in a year the events have occurred around 15.50 In the afternoon, when the Emergency Coordination center of the 112 has received numerous calls warning of gunfire in the street. The shooting occurred in the neighborhood of the Virgin of Charity, popularly known as the Six hundred, a marginal area of the city.
The national police, who have taken charge of the investigation, have moved to the square of the human rights of that district. There lay the bodies of the two victims, whose identities have not transcended.
The shots were carried out from one of the houses in the area, in the vicinity of El Ludo Health centre, according to the first signs. The author or perpetrators of the shots have not been located at the moment.
Two people were injured in the shooting: a 38-year-old man, who has received a bullet impact on the side, and a 47-year-old woman who has a superficial wound to the chest. Both have been transferred to the Santa Lucia Hospital in the city.
The police are still in the place of the facts and have not wanted to dismiss any hypothesis, although it is speculated with the possibility of a dispute between two families of Gypsy ethnicity, one of them resident in the neighborhood, following a recent divorce.