The United States approved new sanctions on Thursday against senior officials of the Chavismo. The Treasury announced the freezing of the property on U.S. soil of 10 members of the regime of Nicolás Maduro for manipulating the Venezuelan regional elections, held on October 15th. Nor will they be able to do business with estsadounidenses as a general rule. It is the last Represalía that Washington has imposed on the dome of the Bolivarian country over the last few months because of its anti-democratic drift.
“While the Venezuelan government continues to desentendiendose from the will of its people, our message is clear: America will not remain motionless as the regime of Maduro continues to shatter the democratic order and prosperity in Venezuela,” he said in a Secretary of the Treasury statement, Steven Mnuchin.
The sanctioned are Sandra Oblitas Ruzza, Socorro Elizabeth Hernández De Hernández, Carlos Enrique Quintero Cuevas, Elvis Eduardo Hidrobo amor, Julián Isaias Rodríguez Díaz, Ernesto Emilia Villegas Poljak, Jorge Elieser Marquez Monsalve, Manuel Angel Fernandez Melendez, Carlos Alberto Osorio Zambrano and Freddy Alirio Bernal Rosales. Half of them are senior officials of the National Electoral Committee (CNE) or constituent Assembly, illegally summoned by Maduro to eviscerate the powers of the National Assembly, of opposition majority after the elections of 2015. Four are members of the Government and the tenth is the president of the state telephony company CANTV.
America accuses them of engaging in the manipulation of recent elections by corrupting government programs, vetoing media and abusing state propaganda. One of the sanctioned, Marquez Monsalve, is the exdirector of Conatel, the state telecommunications company that banned Venezuela’s coverage of two Colombian channels and CNN in Spanish this year. Villegas Poljak, another of the aforementioned, was director of Venezuelan television, the Chavista propaganda channel.
The Treasury Department has already imposed similar sanctions against other members of the Bolivarian regime, including the mature president himself, Vice-President Tareck El Aissami and eight members of the Supreme Court.
“We will keep our efforts to penalize members of the Venezuelan government who are complicit in the attempts to mature by belittling democracy, violating human rights, limiting freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly, participating in Corrupt activities unless they are separated from the dictatorial regime, “said Mnuchin.
In August, the US banned U.S. banking institutions from purchasing public debt from Venezuela or PDVSA, the state oil company. The measure is so far the most forceful rule issued by Washington as it attacks an entity and not just its members.