Vanessa Vu, a social editor at time Online, has received my Schrottcontainerkindheitden Theodor Wolff prize for her textbooks. In article, VU describes create cycling experience as a child of Vietnamese parents in Germany.

She spent a large part of her childhood in an asylum-seeker’s home in Bavaria – in constant fear of being deported.

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Your post was awarded toger with text Karim, I must deport you of Taz editor Hannes Koch in this year’s category home and strangers. Koch wrote about experiences with a fugitive from Syria, whom he had taken with him. Besides Vanessa Vu also won time-dossier-editor Malte Henkeinen Prize for his essay all coincidence?. In it he sits down with power of Unberechenbarenauseinander.

The or prizes went to Anne Lena Mösken of Berliner Zeitungund Lorenz Wagner from Süddeutsche Zeitung magazine. Mösken was awarded in category Lokalesfür her text as if nothing had been excellent, in which she wrote about a first aider who injured Terrorist attack on DenBerliner Christmas Market 2016, but was left alone in work of traumatic experiences. Wagner received prize for his text after IhrerPfeife via DieFußball referee Bibiana Steinhaus.

In addition, Günter Bannas, long-time parliamentary correspondent of FrankfurterAllgemeinen Zeitung, was honored with a prize for his life’s work.

The Theodor Wolff prize has been awarded annually by Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers since 1962 and is endowed with 6000 euro.