DerMusiksender Viva is discontinued at end of year 25 years after its foundation. This was shared by carrier of station, DasMedienunternehmen Viacom. For some time now Vivaeinen has been sharing a program with Comedy Central. The broadcasting time of Comedy Central will be extended to 24 hours according to a Viacom spokesman from January 2019.

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The former cult channel Viva was 1993 Alsdeutscher against a draft of American MTV with pop music on Sendunggegangen. Among prominent moderators of channel were Heike Makatsch, Stefan Raab, Oliver Pocher, Klaas Heufer-circulating, Minh-Khai Phan-Thi UndCollien Elm-Fernandes. In year 2004, Viacom took over DenSender.