on Thursday, not a single government bond, whose yield bears a positive sign. All of the outstanding debt of the German state currently has a negative rate of return. This is associated with very high levels of this title. The market interest in the landmark ten-year bond is at minus 0.52 per cent, still above the record low set on 9. March with minus 0.86 percent has been reached.

Markus Frühauf

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

But, on the whole, the volume is increasing at a negative interest rate bonds since mid-March, almost unstoppable. At that time there was in the world, bonds with a negative yield in the amount of 7.7 trillion dollars, now have 15.8 trillion dollars in it. The record volume of around 17 trillion dollars was on 29. August 2019 achieved.

the corporate bonds that are traded in the negative yield area, have increased significantly. At the beginning of April, there has been no single title, the volume was at zero. Now make a note of bonds in the volume of 561 billion dollars in the negative. A year ago there were $ 1.2 trillion, more than twice as much.