The EU Commission to Lebanon, 33 million euros for the first emergency care, medical equipment, and support, as well as the protection of critical infrastructures. The Commission informed after a phone call, the led of your President Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday morning with the Prime Minister of Lebanon Hassan Diab. Von der Leyen, the country offered after the explosion disaster in the port of Beirut for more comprehensive help, also for the reconstruction of the port and the city.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

this Association with a political message. All political forces in Lebanon should unite now, “a national effort to respond to the many challenges facing the country”. The European Union is of the greatest importance to the unity and stability of Lebanon, and will support the country.

The EU Commission had activated a few hours after the devastating explosions on Tuesday at the request of Beirut’s civil protection mechanism. The Lebanese government can request it free-of-charge help. These contributions from the member States contribute on a voluntary basis, to be coordinated by the EU-Commission, which has also cost three-quarters of all transport. Of course, States can also help directly and bilaterally.

first, the Lebanese government asked for rescue teams to rescue people still buried under the rubble. Also, you asked for ABC-professionals who are trained in dealing with hazardous materials.

On Wednesday evening, the first rescue teams arrived with equipment for rescue and search dogs in Beirut. On Thursday afternoon, the Commission and the EU-a total of 250 special forces from Greece, France, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Several States provided through the civil protection mechanism 600 suits for protection against toxic chemicals, 80 Sets of surgical, emergency care, and five tons of medical Material. In addition, a naval ship has been deployed for treating the injured.

At noon should arrive in the Corvette “Ludwigshafen” in Beirut; the ship of the Federal marine was deployed of Limassol in Cyprus. The air force sent a medical reconnaissance team in the Lebanese capital.

The 33 million euros for the first emergency to come from the EU trust Fund for the crisis in Syria. Eight million euros have been prohibited to the Lebanese Red cross, and tens of millions of the world health organization, and six million to the UN children’s Fund. As a next step, the EU could appoint a Commission of experts and equipment to capture the extent of the damage and hazardous substances to ensure. It provides the country already, and satellite images.

Von der Leyen offered the Prime Minister Diab to create a full needs analysis for the reconstruction of the city and the country’s economic recovery. The Commission is also to strengthen trade relations, in particular trade and Customs facilitation.