the Pilot, that doesn’t rhyme in Hollywood since “Top Gun” on Patriot. However, while the 150-million-Dollar cinema-a continuation of the ultimate villains schockers (“Top Gun 2”), which stands ready on the tarmac, corona is not due to can take off, buzzing on Netflix now also prominently staffed and lavishly-produced spy-double-Decker pass in the shows, that’s the thing with the loyalties so easily, maybe it is. The hero of this French-Belgian-Spanish-Brazilian co-production, directed by Olivier Assayas, the silent art-house productions (“The clouds of Sils Maria”) as well mastered as epic, sweeping terrorists-biographies (“Carlos – The Jackal”), in their own way, much cooler than the eternal Collegeboy Tom Cruise. Maybe you are even a little too closed.

Since we have about the in the year 1990 in the low-altitude flight from Cuba to Florida escaped pilots René González (one big game of Édgar Ramírez). He justified his escape to journalists in order that there is a lack on the socialist island in all areas: fuel, potatoes, and even sugar. But you would take back what was shown to us previously in the sun-flooded images? René had a good life as a flight instructor in Havana. He lived with dream-wife Olga (Penélope Cruz) and a cute six-year-old daughter in a magnificent house with Salsa-soul. Also a nifty flashback in the narrative climax of the film, where a lot of changes – can’t really explain why René leaves his family without warning, and to make such a sacrifice even once is ready.

It seems intentional that you lose the Overview

It comes to Patriotism in this Film, however, from the beginning, broken way, because both opponents and defenders of the regime of Fidel Castro to understand themselves as patriots and the other side as terrorists. It seems to be quite intentional that the audience lose track of which of the protagonists is what time is for whom worked. Of the exile-Cuban organizations, some focus on the rescue of boat refugees, while other Finance themselves with drug smuggling or even terrorist attacks on Cuba, in favour of niche tourist destinations. Also, the FBI is mixed with and of course the Cuban government, after all, the title was giving “Wasp”network – directed by Gerardo Hernández, the none other than Gael García Bernal plays the right’s successful attempt to infiltrate the especially in Miami-residents and part of extremist groups of Cuban exiles.

René, the first appears as a ball between all of these actors, may at some point catch up with his family. Happiness looks different. Olga, who has traded in their work in of a monstrous Laundry against a monotonous phone Job with the class enemy must now also be a life of a lie ready. In addition, Assayas focuses on the dazzling true story about the seemingly deserted Cuban officer, Juan Pablo Roque (Wagner Moura). The fighter pilot sponge in 1992, the US naval base in Guantánamo Bay. In the Film, you welcomed him something striking with a McDonald’s meal. From then on, he struts as inscrutable Macho by the act, supports various exile organizations and the FBI, is getting married in the first place pretty Ana (Ana de Armas), and soon wears a Rolex watch and expensive suits. This Narrative not only ends with a surprising Volte, he is focused solely on this.

at the Latest as it becomes clear, where it crunches in this excellently acted, quickly and smartly cut, sound, convincing, and aesthetically exciting Film. Assayas manages to breathe only approach that closely to the reality and to the book by the journalist Fernando Morais – inspired characters of their own (movie)life. Instead of the identification characters they often appear as extras in a duel of ideologies. To show though, everything came to the point, why real, vulnerable people themselves decide the highest price, the family, political loyalty, and as you and he works very hard the.