If the producers and Directors to assure your that you want to tell a “universal and timeless story”, which at the same time, the “great news” if the camera man adds that the images “are timeless”, then it is easy to get suspicious. Between Always, Everywhere, and is Now almost the orientation could not be lost if one knew that the producer Oliver Berben and the Director Philipp Kadelbach the largest of the Federal Republican nonfiction bestsellers have made the state between 1978 and 1981, ninety-one weeks in the Charts. A book that almost everyone who has visited since the eighties, a school, also in English or social studies lessons met, because warned should Heroin be the way of hashish, short: “H” or “Äitsch”: “We children from Bahnhof Zoo”. And, presumably, the visitors of “Christiane F. – We children from Bahnhof Zoo” in the year and saw the five million to the cinema in 1981, a further million on the Film by Uli Edel.

Peter Körte

editor of the Feuilleton of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Today is not only known, that the F. stands for Felscherinow, Christiane and is the Only one of her Clique is still alive, now 58 years old. For the eight-part series, which is now, according to the book, you are returned to the old title, because the view is more: Not only is the series explores the stories of Christiane F.’s friends, the narrative, the period is extended as in the movie, the

The production had access to numerous tapes, on which the Reporter Kai Hermann and Horst Rieck recorded in 1978, interviews with Christiane F., and some of their friends. The tapes were used as the basis for the continuation of the story in the “star”, which was an Illustrated, one could read. From the Story the book was Irritating, and who drove around 1980, after West Berlin, which was only at the Zoo station; who visited the station, as he would be a place of interest, such as the radio tower and the castle of Charlottenburg, only with more effects and voyeuristic.