mining can have consequences also a Good thing. The Ruhr area is suffering from the end of coal mining, the economic and environmental legacies and, more generally, under a massive structural change. But at least one will remain in the stricken Region saves: a Repository for high-level radioactive waste is produced.

Christian Geinitz

economic correspondent in Berlin

F. A. Z.

on this Monday morning, presented the interim report of the Federal Association for disposal (BGE) notes that the Ruhr area is not suitable as a location – because there are too many former mines, affecting the geological stability. This stability is, however, indispensable because of the nuclear waste should be kept safely for a Million years. And in 300 meters depth under a at least 100-m-thick layer of salt, clay or crystalline Rock, such as granite.

Therefore, the Site may be at risk, neither of volcanic nor of the earthquake, and not by shafts and galleries. 90 the so-called sub-areas has made the BGE who are eligible for warehousing in theory in question. More than half of the Land in the Federal territory is not suitable, from the area countries, only the Saarland is on the list.

Gorleben leaves

Not only there and in the Ruhr area, many are relieved to see the satisfaction there is in the Wendland. Because of the since the seventies, fiercely contested salt dome in lower Saxony’s Gorleben is now also out of the race. Not because of the political opposition, who were discharged, among other things, in blockades and occupations, but from geological evidence, as we are assured in the BGE. Among other things, the overburden on the salt floor is not intact, the water chemistry is unfavorable.

this is Exactly the difference of the new method is to search for the repository, that’s exactly what it is, what should stand out the new approach of the “Gorleben-Phase”: the search is carried out impartially and strictly scientifically, as at that time, politically. Also the States of the spring are not now a leader, such as the time of lower Saxony Prime Minister Ernst Albrecht (CDU), the father of Ursula von der Leyens.

this Time, Berlin has secured, in accordance with the countries – the decision, so that all phases are accompanied by Federal legislation, starting with the site selection act of 2017, which forms the basis for the work of the BGE. 2031 the exact location of the underground landfill is to be established by law, by 2050 the stock is filled and then 2090 or even later closed.

And yet something is different than it used to be: the Public should be involved at any point in the search. A “national Advisory group” made up of personalities of the public life, the BGE looks now exactly on the Finger. To the other specialist and regional conferences for interested citizens, the first of which is on the 18th. October, takes place in Kassel, Germany. Controlled the work is created by a Supervisory authority, the Federal Agency for the safety of Nuclear waste disposal (BASE), the regular interim assessments. On the other hand can be sued, as well as against the final determination of location in eleven years.