The Belarusian athletics Federation (BFLA) has a new President, and the Vita of the Chosen for themselves: Considerably the number of his achievements appears to be, but the number of his but knew of wins is even more amazing. Hammer thrower Ivan Tikhon was the 2003, 2005 and 2007 world champion. The middle, in Helsinki, acquired the title, he had to leave again due to testosterone abuse. The other two – Paris and Osaka – he was allowed to keep it.

Achim Dreis

sports editor.

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Tikhon, Europe was the 2006 champion and 2004 Olympic had won silver. Both of the medals he had to give it back. As it was been proven in April 2014, additional tests will be testosterone Doping from 2005, was also a flute be EM-victory. In the spring of 2012, the only 1,86 metres wide but a good 100-pound athletes in the case of Checks of the samples of the Olympic games in Athens, the forbidden Steroid-Doping had been demonstrated. For this offence he was removed from the list of participants in the games in London. In Rio in 2016, he could still compete again and won – in the proud age of 40 years – as in the case of the Euro 2016 prompt silver.

participation in the Olympic 2021 in the sights

A real stand-up guy so this Tikhon, who is also tired of his participation in the rescheduled Games of Tokyo 2021 target. Then he will be 45 years old and in a dual function for Belarus to compete. Because for a short time, Tikhon leads his national athletics Association President. The world athletics Federation World Athletics (WA) has criticized this choice in focus. It is at the present time “no one who has received a doping penalty could have held an official Position in the associations or structures of World Athletics,” said a spokesman for the industry-service “insidethe games”.

But Tikhon can. And the Item remains in the “family”. Tikhon replaced another hammer thrower, his long-term colleague Vadzim Dsewjatouski, which was also noticed as a Doper. Dsewjatouski was first blocked from 2000 for two years. His first international medal he won in 2006 – first Bronze, but it was because Hierarch Tikhon testosterone-offense at the time, not as unclean discernible Dsewjatouski advanced to the silver rank. The German hammer thrower Markus Esser won subsequently Bronze.

eater, was also begun in 2005 by the two Belarusians first of all, aloof and batted Fourth in the stadium left before him years later was awarded the silver, would not comment on the demand of to the political career of his former competitors”.” He felt of Tikhon and Dsewjatouski his Celebration on the podium cheated.