
Explore the dynamic world of commerce and finance in our Business category. Stay informed about market trends, economic shifts, and corporate strategies. From startups to conglomerates, delve into insightful analyses, interviews with industry leaders, and comprehensive coverage of business innovations driving global markets.

Economic News The PP believes that Pedro Sánchez plans "an escalation of taxes" to...

The PP believes that, if Pedro Sánchez is finally inaugurated, next year there will be "an escalation of taxes" to try to balance the...

Demonstration against the A69: in Tarn, opponents of the motorway project gather

Opponents of the A69 motorway project between Toulouse and Castres who began, on Saturday October 21, to gather in their thousands on the outskirts...

ChatGPT: we tested its experimental audio and photo version

Released on September 25, an experimental version of ChatGPT, OpenAI's generative artificial intelligence (AI), is only accessible to paying subscribers paying the tidy sum...

Finance Germany reinforces the control of pressure groups in politics with fines of up...

Germany has tightened the registration of lobbyists and expanded the information obligations of depression groups, an amalgam of companies, banks and organizations of all...

Consumption Tosfrit brand worms and popcorn withdrawn from the market because they contain ingredients...

Health authorities are verifying the withdrawal from the market of several batches of Tosfrit brand corn "snakcs" (popcorn and "worms") for containing milk protein...

Budget 2024: should we be worried about the debt burden?

Discussions around the finance bill (PLF) for 2024 and the programming law until 2027 have brought the question of public debt and its cost...

Unlocking the Potential of Safety Management Software

In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety, the integration of technology has become paramount. Safety management software stands as a testament to this evolution,...

Transport The circulation of the AVE between Madrid and Barcelona is interrupted due to...

The circulation on the high-speed line that connects Madrid and Barcelona is interrupted between Brihuega and Las Inviernas, towns located in the province of...

Nokia announces the loss of 14,000 jobs

Up to 14,000 jobs lost. This was announced on Thursday October 19 by the Finnish telecommunications equipment group Nokia, as part of a new...

Netflix shows significantly increased results with the success of its new pricing

Netflix announced on Wednesday October 19 its quarterly results, better than expected, and a jump in its subscribers, despite the fierce competition raging in...

Ever-changing SEO Landscape | How to keep up with Google Algorithm updates?

Search Engine Optimization has become the center of the digital world today. Its dynamic nature always keeps businesses on their toes to update themselves...

Investment Goldman CEO David Solomon leaves the dance floor

The world of DJs loses, if not its greatest figure, yes one of the wealthiest, D Sol, the stage name of David Solomon, who...

Real estate: the zero-rate loan increased and extended in 2024

The zero-interest loan (PTZ) will be increased to 100,000 euros and extended in 2024 to more households and more cities, the Minister of the...

Rolls-Royce to cut up to 2,500 jobs worldwide

The British industrial group Rolls-Royce, specializing in aircraft engines, will cut up to 2,500 jobs worldwide to reduce its costs, it announced on Tuesday,...

Finance Unions and bank employers will start negotiating agreements at the end of October

Unions and employers' associations AEB and CECA will begin the negotiation of the 'banking' and 'savings' collective agreements between the end of October and...

Ferrari cars will accept payment with cryptocurrencies in the US

The luxury car company Ferrari will accept payment in cryptocurrencies for its cars in the United States, while extending this system to Europe if...

GDP Italy presents a plan of 24,000 million in tax cuts and increased spending

The Government of Italy, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, announced this Monday the approval of the budget project for the next year, which...

Economic News Yellen lobbies against China before the US-EU Summit in Washington

Next Friday, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, will receive the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the...

Where are the various motorway projects in France?

“We have to be consistent: at a time of ecological planning, we cannot do as before,” assured Clément Beaune, at the end of September...

Technology Seven out of 10 Spanish CEOs see AI as a "priority" investment but...

Artificial intelligence is in the spotlight of public opinion and the roadmaps of the country's large companies were not going to be any less....