Paz Padilla and Anna Ferrer pick up the phone. They are promoting their new program, You’re missing a trip, which premieres tonight on Cuatro and they are happy. However, before you can ask the first question, the comedian and presenter steps forward: “What trip are you missing?” Anyone would have answered a certain place, but Paz Padilla does not want that answer, she wants us to “look within ourselves.” “We have made a deeper journey to learn how they live in other parts of the world, how they face life and in that life is death,” Paz Padilla assures us.

Mother and daughter, an artist and an influencer, two businesswomen, two women “on par” with each other, Paz Padilla and Anna Ferrer. Both are the protagonists of the new docureality that Cuatro premieres tonight, You’re missing a trip, an adventure in which both of them will not only discover to the viewer that we are all precisely missing a trip, but that they themselves were missing one.

Seeing that there are other realities I have felt empty and I have returned to therapy

“Seeing that there are other realities, I returned to Madrid and I felt empty,” says Anna Ferrer, who confesses that this program has marked her so much that “I had to go back to therapy”: “The reflection I make is that I want more , that I have a lot to learn and that I don’t know anything about anything.

Visit different countries in the world such as the Amazon or Ecuador to discover in each episode how different cultures and traditions deal with the relationship with life and death: this is the main objective that Paz Padilla and Anna Ferrer will pursue in You Miss a Journey . A trip that began as just a trip and has ended up changing their lives.

Paz and Anna have been accompanied by native guides who have helped them discover exotic locations, but also an inner world that we often forget about. On their journey, which is full of fun, exciting moments and a great sense of humor, according to both, they have visited Spaniards living in each destination, they have met surprising characters and they have lived in the homes of native families who have shown them their traditions. and customs, which both have practiced with the help of their hosts. Furthermore, each episode ends with a great experience for the protagonists, a challenge that is known from the beginning of each trip and that they face at the end of each route.

“For me, knowing a community like the one in the Amazon made me reflect a lot,” says Paz, “because I had forgotten that we are an animal species.” And the presenter is clear that when you see how others live and you delve into their lives you realize how we really are: “We believe that we are superior beings and when you are in the middle of the jungle you realize that you are just as fragile than an animal. Furthermore, we believe that we are protected because we live among concrete and the reality is that our mother is nature. That turned my head upside down because I realized that we are living a false reality.”

And in this new format, which also marks the return of Paz Padilla to Mediaset after the cancellation of Déjate quer, he lives a true adventure with Anna, with whom he shares this journey without prejudices or fears in which they immerse themselves. fully into the culture of each country and in which they show what their mother-daughter relationship is like.

“The beauty of this program,” says Anna, is “what I have experienced and what I have faced.” “No one is going to be left indifferent,” says the influencer, while her mother insists that it has been “a spiritual search” and “a gift from the universe”, the gift of working hand in hand with her daughter: “There is nothing more nice to give life to a being who is now totally independent, who makes his own decisions.

Human beings are not prepared to be happy, they are prepared to survive.

In addition, Paz Padilla insists that You’re missing a trip has allowed him to spend more time with her after having lost a lot of time with Anna due to his profession. “Now it’s like recovering time with a friend, a sister, a woman who is already on my level, as a woman and as an artist,” says the presenter excitedly. “I have discovered that we are not parents until we meet our children and this trip has taught me that she is my girl, but that she is a woman,” she concludes.

For her part, Anna confesses that when she started the project she thought that her mother couldn’t surprise her any more than she had already surprised her. However, with Paz Padilla you never know: “It has been a very hard shoot, 24/7, 15 days in a row without rest and with very crazy schedules, and every day she was the first to wake up with a smile.”

Now, the world of Anna Ferrer and Paz Padilla has changed and they hope that with their journey the world of others will change: “There are other ways and other ways of living,” says Ferrer. Her mother goes much deeper, like her journey: “I am determined that people be happy because human beings are not prepared to be happy, they are prepared to survive and I think that with this program they will realize that they are.” can”.