He promised his alleged Victims travel to the Fashion capitals of the world. But redeemed he has not his promise. Because behind the facade of a model Agency owner, James N.* (33) there seems to be less glamorous disposed of. Business partners are still waiting for their money.

Thus, Yannick Wimmer (23) from Lucerne. He was a year and a half at the model Agency by James N. under contract. “Paid in full I was during the time only Once,” says Yannick. He had to have been in good faith, the 1.85 meters large men model is self-critical. James N. had him fooled, to have an Investor from Saudi Arabia. Of money problems at the Agency boss, he hadn’t thought of that. “Even if he has to keep me always hung.”

“High default probability”

The lack of a payment moral is not surprising. A look at the credit status of James N. and its Agency makes a Bad guess: it is on the lowest level, “high default probability”. Also, enforcement proceedings and debt collection proceedings are being held, two bankruptcies (2012 and 2016) can be seen.

James N. has financial problems, also got a Make-up artist and blogger Jesca Li (36) to feel. In 2011, she had to operate the Agency chief due to a non-performed service. “It was only 300 francs. Actually, a small value, but because of his unprofessionalism, it was to me a matter of principle. I have seen from the amount, up to today, nothing, it was nothing to take.”

James N. did not want to comment on a request from a VIEW to his financial circumstances. The severe harassment allegations by dozens of young men against James N. in the room, to shock the Model Yannick Wimmer. “I was warned about his behavior. However, he has tried only on a party night to kiss me. Because I resisted for a very, never happened something like that.”

The attorney of James N. draws attention to the presumption of innocence, the Prosecutor’s office identified a case of sexual harassment and sexual assault against the model Agency boss.

*the Name has been changed