ouch! It hurts when Look at it. Skateboard legend Tony Hawk (52) has dislocated at the weekend in a Skateboard accident the Finger. On Instagram, he shows his Fans, the x-ray pictures to see where the displaced bones are good. To put his fingers back in the correct Position, had to cut the Doctors his wedding ring.

Anthony Frank “Tony” Hawk, how the athlete is called with full name, tells how it came to the time of the accident. Last weekend he was skating with his son and friends in a backyard. “It was funny, until I did a Backside Smith Stall to prepare for a Backside Blunt, and me suddenly on the flat ground again, with my fingers in new directions bow.”

Tony Hawk wants to get back was on the Skateboard

In the hospital, everything back in place. “My fingers are still sore / stiff / swollen, but for the most part functional,” Hawk says. On the Skateboard, he does not want to abandon despite his accident. He assured his Fans: “I love my Job still.” (paf)