former Federal councillor Christoph Blocher (79) has yet to open an old invoice: in 2007, the SVP-Father was in the Roschacher affair in suspicion, as the then Minister of justice, together with private banker Oskar weger have a plot for the deposition of a former Federal Prosecutor, Valentin Roschacher (60) to be forged.

The allegations of dissolved rapidly in air. But the affair persist to the present day. Because Next week the Parliament will elect a new judge for the Federal criminal court in Bellinzona. The candidate of the CVP: Alberto Fabbri (53).

This was in 2007, the state’s attorney of the Federation and, as such, in an investigation against get position involved – and thus also in the accusations against Blocher. In the aftermath of the affair showed that the Federal government had a legal profession made some mistakes. A procedure was also Fabbri, but has been discontinued. And Blocher flashed 2009 with a complaint against the Proceedings in the Federal court met.

Spectacular u-turn

The Federal criminal court, to which Fabbri is now selected want to be. But not with the votes of the SVP. The group stated that it was on Tuesday unanimously against Fabbri. Because of this “2007 was the record part of a conspiracy against the then Minister of justice, Christoph Blocher,” scolds the SVP in a statement. Fabbri had then led to the parliamentary control Committee “demonstrably misleading”. The CVP-man lack the “character” that there is a need for the high office of judge.

Interestingly, at the end of may, the SVP-group is not introduced the CVP-candidate questioning. They reported to the judicial Commission in writing of their support. Also in the Commission itself, in which four SVP-representatives, was rejected by the personnel never because of the Roschacher affair questioned-but for other reasons.

But on Tuesday was followed by the turnaround. Just on the same day, as Christoph Blocher himself in the group meeting appeared. Evil tongues in the Parliament now claim that the SVP is against Fabbri, because Blocher is not twisted have the time, “Majesty insult” to today.

Trimmed Blocher, the SVP’s Anti-Fabbri-course?

Has trimmed Blocher, the SVP so quickly to Anti-Fabbri-price to settle an old score?

“Mr Blocher has stated his view of the events,” confirms Group’s Chairman, Thomas Aeschi (41). “But he was not the trigger for the new decision.” He did otherwise know of the “past mistakes”, Fabbris, so Aeschi, sitting by yourself in the court Commission. Then you have discussed the case internally again. “For me personally, the Name was not familiar, this is probably due to my age,” admits Aeschi.

Also in the case of SVP-national Council and court member of the Commission, Pirmin Schwander (58, SZ), sitting since 2003, in the Federal house, made it click. “After so many years, I haven’t set the name of Fabbri with this affair, in connection,” says Schwander. Than him but again it was clear who it is, no more question came to support. “His technical qualities are indisputable,” stresses Schwander though. “But with his history, the basis of trust is missing. The break even after 13 years, not kitten.”

special session of the CVP

the resistance of The SVP, which has tapped the CVP from the Bush. This continued on Wednesday afternoon a special meeting with your candidate to shed light on his former role. Result: The party is sticking to its candidate. “We have reviewed all objections. The allegations are baseless,” says CVP group Director Andrea Gmür (55).

So the chances for Fabbri are good, next Wednesday, the Federal judges met to be selected. “According to the current state of knowledge, no valid reasons that speak against his election,” said court President of the Commission and the FDP councillor Andrea Caroni (40 AR). “Would have found SVP to be a grave reason, would be in the obligation to report, this our Commission, and a check come to request. So far, no such applications have been received by me.”

is in any case recommended Fabbri of all other groups except the SVP for the election. He can look forward to the Blocher settlement so let.