The PP denounces the publication in the two BOJAS post-election nine appointments set by appointment

The Medical Union Andalusian considers that “it is not the time to appoint appointees” and asserts that it is a common practice of SAS

Juanma Moreno: “If Citizens saves Susana Díaz, will not be able to return to Andalusia”

Susana Diaz only be presented to the investiture if you get the necessary support

The leader and candidate of the PP andaluz,Juanma Moreno, has accused the acting president of the Board and a candidate for re-election, Susana Díaz, to place “in extremis” to many positions in the Service Andalusian of Health (SAS) by publication in the Official Bulletin of the Junta de Andalucía (COLORS) of appointments for a free appointment and merit competition.

The COLORS of December 4, sets out five “awards” for free designation and four squares for charges intermediates by contest of merits, while the last 3 published four appointments are free and others four contests of merits for position intermediate in various centers and hospitals of the community.

Sources of the ministry of Health have clarified to the WORLD that “there is only one appointment (posted yesterday) and that was sent before the elections for the new strategy of r & I in the Counseling.” It is a family doctor of a health center “that is going to continue and that does not charge for the appointment, because it is not high office, is to coordinate the Research Strategy of Primary health Care”, have pointed out.

as to the other four positions of free designation, “are the resolutions of the 7th of November and there are appointments normal within the organization of the SAS with more than 95,000 professionals”.

Moreno, who on Tuesday chaired the Executive Committee Regional PP-TO, believes, however, that the Government is “using” the COLORS “to name once more to finger to heads of service and coordinators of hospitals,” in the last few days and has demanded the stoppage “forthwith” of those calls to be the Executive functions. The leader of the PP andaluz has reminded the PSOE”that his time has ended in Andalusia” and can’t make decisions “in this passage to the change of the next few weeks”. In addition it has recriminat Diaz that you use the administration andalusian “as if it were your farmhouse” and has warned: “This has already been done.”

throughout the campaign, the PP has stressed its commitment to reorganize the SAS, and “depoliticize” health “once and for all”, which is what that report with these appointments. According to Moreno, from January, “when, between the government of the change”, they will put an end to placements “with the id of the PSOE in the mouth” and to take account of the “merit and ability in all corners of the administration andalusian”.

The majority of decisions published within 48 hours after the conclusion of the regional elections correspond to the end of the month of November and affecting the provinces of Jaén, Málaga, Seville and Huelva. To the president of the Medical Union Andalusia (SMA), Rafael Carrasco, “now is not the time of appointments for a free appointment, because they are not legitimized” with the Government on functions, although he admitted that it is a practice “customary” of the SAS.

with Respect to the charges intermediates by contest of merits, “sometimes there are waves” and come out to cover that position, which can be covered by someone “appointed by the usual procedure, in functions or similar, something with which we disagree, and we have denounced many times, but that does not cease to be an administrative procedure which is regulated”. The criteria for choosing the occupant of the position are”subjective and depend on the SAS”, so that many times leave the people that already played that role. “It is an unacceptable practice but quite common in the SAS for years,” according to Carrasco.

Four of the headquarters section called correspond to the Regional Hospital of Málaga, and sources of Medical Union in the province have explained “that they were in ‘preBoja’ from some time ago;we are surprised that it has been published with the immediacy, just after the election result. But ordered and planned they were.” In fact, “two were not responsible for a long time, only someone appointed to the toe, as we do not like, and after months of waiting, at least it is now called”, have been added.

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