If something has always characterized the “People’s Princess” it has been her sincerity. Belén Esteban is never silent about anything, neither about her political tendencies nor about her ideology. Historical have been his fights with his great friend Jorge Javier Vázquez for this issue. But there is something that has made Belén Esteban change, or so she has hinted at in an interview on Carlota Corredera’s new program Superlatives.

Although Carlota Corredera has warned her that her words about her intention to vote and about certain political parties were going to bring a tail, Belén Esteban, as usual, has not contained herself. Although at first she stated that she was clear about what she was voting for and who she was going to vote for, it took her half a second to change her speech: “Well, I’m a little undecided, because I don’t like several parties coming together. Maybe this year the vow that I have always made is not going to be”.

“I have political parties, I am not going to say names, with which I do not agree at all,” he stated. “I think that instead of going forward we are going backwards. And what we have to go is forwards”, he has sentenced.

In June 2020, during an interview in Deluxe, Belén Esteban revealed which political parties she had voted for: “I have voted for Socialists, PP and Ciudadanos. Podemos and Vox, never.”

That Belén Esteban gives her opinion on politics and politicians is nothing new. The unexpected thing is that he has done it just 18 days before the general elections. It is difficult to forget the monumental fights that he has had with his great friend Jorge Javier Vázquez precisely because of his ideological differences.

The fattest occurred three years ago on the set of Sálvame. Belén Esteban launched with a speech in which he harshly criticized politicians, with the exception of José Luis Martínez Almeida, but especially members of the Government of Spain. Jorge Javier Vázquez remained silent, listened to her collaborator while she talked about the lack of a Covid test or defended the work of Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

When he had not finished yet, Jorge Javier Vázquez cut him off with “you should become an epidemiologist” and “you have stopped being the princess of the town to be a Cayetana”, which made Belén Esteban very angry to such an extent that the confrontation between the two and the reproaches ended with the “people’s princess” crying and Jorge Javier Vázquez leaving the set.

Today, the collaborator, in addition to revealing that there have been some other politicians who have tried to get in touch with her and who have written to her on WhatsApp, but that she does not want to get involved in that, has acknowledged that she has “many friends, and I think that with what I am going to say, all of Spain and everyone who sees us will know which party it is”. “I have very close people”, he continued, “friends who are like brothers, who have fought a lot to have rights. And what I am not going to do is, to those who have suffered so much, put a political party in stockings with another, who can govern and instead of going forward go backwards”.

Belén Esteban has also confessed her negligence with the political class without specifying any party in question. The “princess of the people” affirms that she is “fed up with so much fighting”. And she has made an appeal to politicians to unite and understand each other and thus “fight for what Spain is, which I believe that the citizens deserve it.”

“When I see politicians I take them off TV. I can’t handle the debates anymore. It seems to me that everyone makes a big deal to get the vote,” he said. In addition, he has described the behavior of the political class in Congress as a “shameful attitude”: “It was a schoolyard.”

After assuring that she would “never” get into politics, Belén Esteban has insisted that she is “very undecided for the first time”: “I did not like Extremadura. The PP woman says she does not want Vox, and then we got together with Vox. I don’t like that, either you are or you are not”.

Belén Esteban was referring to the fact that the PP forced María Guardiola to accept the pact with Vox, after the new president of Extremadura had assured that she would not reach an agreement with Santiago Abascal’s party. “I would have liked whoever it was to come out with an absolute majority, without having to join other parties,” he concluded.

“Right now all the advisers of all the political parties will be trembling because they will say let’s see who Belén Esteban is going to vote for”, Carlota Corredera has sentenced after the words of her godmother.

As Carlota Corredera predicted, Belén Esteban’s words have not taken long to become a Trending Topic on Twitter. “Bravo Belén Esteban”, “Belén Esteban says that he is going to stop voting for the PP because of his pacts with Vox” or “how will the issue be that even Belén Esteban has realized and will not vote for PPVox”.

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