Reynolds and Lively shared on Saturday that they pledged to match donations up to $1,000,000 to refugees. “In just 48 hours, many Ukrainians fled their homes and fled to neighbouring countries. They need protection,” Reynolds tweeted.
The funds will be used to support the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), which stated that it will provide lifesaving assistance to Ukrainian families in dire need. According to the agency, nearly three million people will need humanitarian assistance in this year’s world and they will need “immediate shelter and protection.”

Frankel stated that she has raised almost $3 million through her disaster relief charity and contributed $10 million to initial aid. BStrong reports that the funds will be used for refugees to travel, and to establish stations at the border between Poland and Ukraine to supply water and hygiene products.

Frankel tweeted, “Our latest issues are hunger and medical aid IN Ukraine.” “Now, we’re working to get logistics back into the country. While everyone is talking about the exodus, remember the millions of people who stayed.

According to U.N. refugee agency, 368,000 people fled Ukraine after the Russian invasion.