The international soccer governing body unanimously voted to ban any international soccer competition on Russian territory. FIFA stated that any “home” matches would be played on neutral territory without spectators.

Russia will now compete under the Football Union of Russia (or RFU) rather than Russia. FIFA added that the flag and anthem of Russia would not be used during matches.

FIFA took the decision to “solidarity with Ukraine” as a gesture of solidarity. Since Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, dozens have been killed and many cities have been under attack.

FIFA released a statement saying that violence is not a solution. It also expressed its solidarity with all those affected by the events in Ukraine. FIFA calls for an urgent restoration of peace, and constructive dialogue to be initiated immediately.

FIFA stated that it will continue to work with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other organizations in order to decide on any further measures. FIFA stated that Russia could be expelled from all competitions “if the situation doesn’t improve rapidly.”

FIFA decided to not ban Russia from the World Cup qualifiers after the Czech Republic, Poland and Sweden had said that they would not play against the Russian team.

The organization stated that “FIFA will continue to be in close contact to search and to find appropriate solutions together.” “FIFA’s thoughts are with everyone affected by this worrying and shocking situation.”

However, this stance did not go down well with all international teams.

Cezary Kulesza (president of the Polish Football Association) tweeted moments after FIFA announced that the decision was “totally inacceptable.”

He stated that “We aren’t interested in playing in this game of looks.” “Our stance is unchanged: The Polish National Team will not play with Russia, regardless of its name.”


In the World Cup qualifiers, Poland was to face Russia in Moscow on March 24, while Sweden and Czech Republic were to meet in Sweden that same day.

Russia even had to face resistance from its national team members in order to invade.

According to CBS Sports, Fedor Smolov, a Dynamo Moscow striker, was the first player from the national team to voice opposition to the invasion. He posted “No to War” on Instagram just after the invasion began.

After removing the logo of Gazprom from their shirts, the German club FC Schalke 04 announced the end to its 15-year-old partnership with Russia’s state-owned oil company Gazprom. Manchester United, U.K., has also ended their sponsorship agreement with Russia’s national airline Aeroflot.
Many teams have been using their matches as a way to protest the invasion. As they walked onto the field to warm up for the game, members of SS Lazio wore “Stop the War!” t-shirts.

On Sunday, the German Bundesliga teams FC Augsburg (Borussia Dortmund) held a moment of silence in honor of those who had died in Ukraine.