Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated Sunday that the European Union would finance the purchase and delivery weapons and equipment to a country under attack.

Von der Leyen stated that the EU was closing down its airspace to Russians. We propose a ban on Russian-owned, Russian-registered or Russian-controlled aircraft. These aircraft will not be allowed to land on, take off, or overfly EU territory.

She also stated that the EU would ban “the Kremlin’s media machine.” Russia Today, Sputnik and their subsidiaries will no longer have the ability to spread lies to justify Putin’s war and sow division within our union.

Von der Leyen stated that the EU would target Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus president, for his support of Russia’s extensive military campaign in Ukraine.

She stated that she would hit Lukashenko’s government with a new set of sanctions.

After Germany announced Sunday that it would commit 100 billion euros (or about $113 billion) to a special forces fund, and would maintain its defense spending at 2% of GDP, which was due to Russia’s invasion.

This announcement came just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian nuke forces to be on alert. It highlighted how Russia’s war against Ukraine was rewriting Europe’s post-World War II security strategy in ways that were impossible only weeks ago.

Anti-war protestors took to the streets of Berlin, Rome Prague, Istanbul, Istanbul, and other cities, including Russian cities like Moscow, St. Petersburg, to demand an end the war, which has been the most extensive ground offensive on the continent since WWII.

Tens of thousands of people gathered Sunday at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate. Some were carrying slogans like “Hands Off Ukraine,” “Tanks to Windmills,” and “Putin go to therapy” to leave Ukraine and the rest of the world in peace.

The announcement by Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, of new defense funding is important for Germany. Germany has been criticised by the United States and NATO allies for failing to invest adequately in its defense budget. NATO member states had committed to spending 2% on defense but Germany has spent far less.

Scholz stated that it was clear that we must invest significantly more in security in our country to preserve our freedoms and democracy.

Scholz stated that the 100 billion euro fund is a temporary measure and would be in effect until 2022. It was not immediately clear if similar funding would be available in the future. Scholz said that Germany would exceed the 2% threshold in future years, which signals an increase in defense spending.