The Local Police in Sevilla have arrested a woman for alleged neglect after they allegedly left their children, under 10 years of age, sleeping in the car while it was in a local drinks nearby, “according to the first inquiries”.

So indicates the city Council of seville in a press release in which it explains the facts about 6.30 a.m. this Saturday, when Local Police were alerted by two citizens who had located in the area north of the city, two brothers under 10 years old walking alone on the street.

An endowment is personaba in the place for contact with minors, who were demonstrating to the agents that they were sleeping in a car and that, when they woke up, they went in search of his mother.

The agents harbored a minor, that he was “numb with cold” due to a temperature less than 10 degrees and were transported in a vehicle camouflaged with agents in civilian clothes until a headquarters of District of the Local Police, where they have remained until they have been subsequently protected by a family.

Similarly, from the Head of Local Police began to take steps to try to locate the mother, who did not answer the phone.

Past 8: 00 a.m., has been appearing in this district, the woman about 30 years accompanied by a boy of the same age to be interested for their children.

The agents proceeded to arrest her for an alleged crime of abandonment of minors, claiming that that night had gone out for drinks accompanied by both.

In a moment of the evening, both stated that they had sleep, so I slept in the car in which they had been displaced and remained in the same premises, which was a kilometer away from the site where they have been located in early morning hours.

in Addition, the man that moved the mother to the district in car has given a positive alcohol test and drug, since they exceed the quadruple of the maximum allowable rate of alcohol and tested positive on cocaine, according to reports the town Hall.

For that reason, we have been instructed in proceedings for an alleged crime against road safety. The investigation of the case continues while the mother remains in police custody to be brought to justice. The Unit Emergency Social of the city Council has also intervened in the situation.

The councillor in charge of Security of the city Hall, Juan Carlos Cabrera, has welcomed the “quick reaction” of the two citizens who alerted the Local Police in solving “the homelessness of the minors in a short time”, and has stressed also “the professionalism and the affection with which the agents of the Local Police have handled this situation.”

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