Great joy in Tamynique: Tamy Glauser (35) and Dominique Rinderknecht (35), the most famous woman couple of Switzerland, celebrate your love and the recent national Council decision. On Thursday morning, the national Council of marriage for all and access to sperm donation for lesbian couples agreed. “The Sunny weather fits in perfectly to this historic Moment, says Rinderknecht. “And it is a step closer to equal Rights for all.” Also, the Council of States decides in the fall positive for it, Tamynique marry soon, officially.

Rinderknecht: I could hardly believe it and immediately called Tamy. What a joy message! I’m proud of the Swiss national Council.
Glauser : It was really surreal. We have fought so long for the marriage for all, the decision has been deferred for the short term, and then everything suddenly happens so quickly, and it means: Yes, you can. The clear decision in the national Assembly has surprised me positively.
Rinderknecht: , He shows that in the minds of the people to be really something has changed. We have received since the decision of so many congratulations, even from strangers on the street. And as we have on Thursday night in a Zurich Bar on the Yes push us even SVP national councillor Mauro Tuena, the congratulated at the next table was sitting. If this is not a good sign (laughs).

Rinderknecht : Ah, that sounds nice, and I can well imagine, to marry Tamy one day. Currently, the marriage is for us, but still not an issue.
Glauser : we Say it like this: I was never a Person who wanted to get married. To me it was always about, to have the same rights as heterosexuals. But since I know Dominique is not close, I have a wedding.

This is not yet clearly defined (laughs). Let’s see. I was the one who asked Tamy, if you want to be my girlfriend.
Glauser: Right, so the Ball would be more for me. We will see.

A lavish party – the Party of the century! Casual, yet very chic. I love it, me elegantly dressed.
Glauser: A Party of several days would be nice, and a sailing vessel must also be part of the Celebration. Since we are planning currently, but not your own wedding, we also like to other weddings of same-sex couples part.

of course, we would like to come.
Rinderknecht>: </strong And you can hire us as a DJ.

not now. But, Yes, we would both like to have children. It’s even nicer to know that we can now start a family. Without the legal complications so far. That is a big relief.

no. Just because we have, as a woman, few, then, before the law the same rights, it does not mean that the is equal to arrived position in the minds of the people. The fight goes on. By the way, also for women’s rights.

Rinderknecht : this was such a beautiful and important strike action. Women’s rights are human rights. It makes me angry that we have to be on paper the same rights as men, in everyday life, yet often at a disadvantage.
Glauser : Yes, that’s true. However, I have great confidence in the young Generation. The shows now with the “Black Lives Matter”movement and the women’s strike last year. Young people use more and more for equality, and that gives me hope.