Undergoing major surgery will involve some recuperation in a hospital. There’s also a good chance you will spend more recovery time at home until you can go back to work. In the interim, it pays to have supplies on hand designed to ensure your recovery progresses without any complications. Consider investing in these four type of home medical supplies before you go in for the surgery and you will be prepared for just about anything.

Things to Clean and Dress Surgical Wounds

At some point, you will need to take on the task of changing the dressing and cleaning the area around your surgical wound. While still in the hospital, a professional will do it for you. Once at home, either you or a caregiver will take on the task. Make sure you have a reasonable supply of wound care accessories on hand, including bandages, gauze, surgical tape, and cleaning agents recommended by the surgeon. Keeping the area clean will minimize the potential for complications and expedite the healing process.

Mobility Aids

It will take some time before you can move around without any assistance. In the meantime, having some sort of mobility aid on hand is a wise move. Walkers, canes, and other devices will help provide the stability needed to move safely from room to room. While you still want to follow doctor’s orders and not try to do too much too soon, the right mobility aids will make dealing with the recuperation period a little easier.

Incontinence Supplies

Many types of surgery temporarily impact bodily functions. That often means dealing with continence issues for a short time. Your surgeon can recommend the best urological accessories to get you through your healing period. With the right type of pads, bedding, incontinence pants, and other supplies, you will feel more in control of the situation as your body returns to normal.

Skin Care Products

Expect your skin to be somewhat dry in the days following the procedure. This is not unusual after a surgical procedure. The trauma of the surgery affects every part of the body, including the skin. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to ensure your skin remains healthy.

You will need some type of skin care products to hydrate the skin and supply it with some of the more important nutrients. Using the right products will protect the skin and also minimize the potential for rashes, sore spots, and other skin conditions to develop.

Remember that you may need additional medical supplies based on the nature of your surgery and how long it will take to recuperate. Your surgeon will provide suggestions that will help make the recovery as comfortable as possible. Follow those instructions to the letter and be sure to report any complications that you notice promptly. With the right support and supplies, you will be back on your feet in no time.

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