Could your breakfast, or lack of it, hinder your fitness success? The answer may surprise you. While breakfast was once considered the most important meal of the day, not everyone agrees today. But nutritionists have a mutual consensus that breakfast is important and it should be healthy.

The biggest mistake people make with breakfast is skipping it or not considering the fitness goals. Whether your goal is to gain weight or lose fats, make sure you don’t fall prey to any of the most common morning meal mistakes!

Common Breakfast Mistakes

We all know that breakfast should be healthy, but still, many of us make and repeat similar mistakes daily. Some of these mistakes include:

1. Excess Sugar And Cream In Your Morning Coffee

Starting the day with caffeine can improve focus, attention, and performance. But if your coffee has too much sugar and cream, the calorie count goes up. Besides, the added sugar sooner or later leads to an emergency drop in energy.

Excess sugar and cream alienate you from your goal of healthy eating. You may not be ready for the abrupt switch to black coffee yet, but try to limit yourself to one spoonful of sugar and one serving of cream. Believe us, over time; you will start loving black coffee.

2. Forgetting About Hydration

It is unlikely that you often wake up at night to drink a couple of glasses of water. Therefore, the chances are good that you wake up slightly dehydrated in the morning. Even if you are not thirsty, trust us; you need water! The body is 75% water, and dehydration has an extremely negative effect on both mental and physical performance.

Start your day by drinking 250-350 ml of water immediately upon waking – yes, even before you brush your teeth. This is especially important if you exercise in the morning. It is because a minimum of 3% dehydration can reduce peak strength, increase fatigue, and increase the risk of injury.

3. Falling Victim To Marketing

The challenge for food producers is to sell as many products as possible. This means that they will go to extreme measures (within the framework of the law), only to stimulate the consumer to buy their products. Labels like “contain as much protein like egg white,” “low in sugar,” and “gluten-free” are all over the place in the grocery store, especially on the cereal shelves.

But if you look closely, you will notice that these foods too often contain more fat, more added sugar instead of gluten. Besides, they have inadequate sources of protein (or soy) to increase your total protein content.

Take the time to research the nutritional value and ingredient list to make sure the item you choose is right for your purposes. If you’re looking for additional sources of protein, try adding eggs or turkey bacon to your morning meal. Need the fastest and easiest solution possible? Add a scoop of your favorite protein powder to a serving of oatmeal.

4. Adding Unhealthy Items To Breakfast

It is becoming a common phenomenon that people who are addicted to tobacco or alcohol tend not to give them up even at breakfast. A cigarette or glass of wine is the perfect breakfast for them but taking such substances on an empty stomach is deadly. Thus, be mindful of your cravings, and remember that not everything you crave can be added to the breakfast list.

If one does not stop this pattern of addiction, it may lead to the consumption of other harmful drugs such as cocaine. What could be harmful than abusing cocaine in the morning when your body needs the energy the most? Get a consultation from an expert to get rid of such addiction and make good breakfast choices.

5. Disastrous Choice Of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the basis of breakfast. From baked goods to pancakes, cereal to orange juice, carbohydrates are a constant feature of the first meal of the day. Make sure you start your day with the right carbs!

Avoid foods that are low in fiber and high on the glycemic index. These fast carbohydrates are instantly absorbed, causing a sharp drop in energy and strength shortly after consumption. Besides, these carbs do not give you the feeling of fullness that comes from foods high in dietary fiber.

Fiber slows down the digestion of food, keeping you feeling fuller and getting more energy. Choose whole grains, bread, and cereals, and start your day with healthy carbs.

6. Too Much Fruit Juice

Juice is a hot topic in the fitness world. While they provide an excellent opportunity to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, they are not suitable for a full breakfast. Juices lack fiber, increase hunger and lead to fatigue soon after consumption.

If you drink juices in the morning or include them in breakfast, combine them with sources of protein and plant fiber. You may also replace fruit juice with ginger tea. This tea is not only healthy but also boosts immunity.

7. Stereotyped Breakfast Choices

Where does it say you can’t eat chicken for breakfast? Too often, people think stereotypes and put only “breakfast foods” on the table in the morning. But eating egg whites every morning, month after month is very exhausting.

Don’t be afraid to include lean protein sources and whole grain carbs in your morning meal more often. Leftovers from yesterday’s dinner can also be a great start to the day.

Take Away

A poor breakfast, or lack of it, can alienate you from your goals and impact your performance. Nutritionists are right in saying that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Thus, you need to make it right by avoiding the mistakes listed above. What’s better than starting a day with a healthy breakfast? Start your day with such positivity, and you will feel fresh the rest of the day.