Coronavirus symptoms usually resolve within a week and most people do not require medical attention.

Some people may need to be admitted to hospital, as was the case with the prime minister.

Boris Johnson, 55, was discharged from St Thomas’ hospital, London, after being in intensive treatment.

Although he was given oxygen, he didn’t require a ventilator to aid his breathing.

Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, has stated that male sex poses a risk to health. But why?

Certain people are more at risk for complications.

This applies to all people over 70 years old, regardless of their medical condition. It also includes people with underlying conditions like heart disease.

More than 1.5 million people in Britain are most at risk of getting hospital treatment if they contract coronavirus.

This applies to people who have received chemotherapy and is being asked to remain at home to protect themselves against the virus.

Coronavirus appears to be more prevalent in men aged 50-60, but they are not considered high-risk. It’s not as simple as that. But correlation is not always cause.

Scientists aren’t sure.

UK data shows that the average patient in a critical condition is 60 years old, according to intensive care hospital wards. Many of these patients are men, and some have other health problems that could increase their risk such as obesity or heart disease.

The 44 deaths caused by coronavirus that were registered in England and Wales by the Office for National Statistics between the weeks ending 27 March and March 31st were all between 45-65 years old. This is approximately 7% of the total.

Both men and women age more than women. However, the death rate for both men as well as women increases with age. Women tend to be less affected by this.

The pandemic started in China and data from there suggests that men are more at risk than women. Experts caution, however, that other factors, like smoking habits, could also explain the connection.

Professor Ian Hall of Molecular Medicine at the University of Nottingham said that he is not certain this fully explains the higher risk of severe diseases in men. It seems possible that there may be another factor.

Heart disease, diabetes, and chronic lung diseases are more common in men than in women.

Others suggested that genes and sexhormones could also be involved.

Professor Philip Goulder of University of Oxford is an expert in immunology and said that “it is becoming increasingly recognized that there are substantial differences between males and women’s immune systems and that these have significant impacts on the outcome of a wide variety of infectious diseases.”

“The immune response to vaccines and infections throughout life is often more aggressive and effective in females than it is in males.”

This could be due to women having two copies of the DNA chromosome X, as opposed to the one X and a single Y that men possess.

He says that the X chromosome contains a number of important immune genes.

About 600,000 people die each year in the UK. Coronavirus is a virus that causes severe illness in the elderly and people with chronic health problems.

The Office for National Statistics is currently determining how many deaths due to coronavirus could be directly attributable to the virus.

This analysis shows that the majority (86% or 3372) of the 4,000 deaths due to coronavirus in march were likely caused. However, around nine out of ten of the people who died from the virus had a preexisting condition.

Coronavirus deaths were twice as high in men than women. There were 97.5 deaths per 100,000 people compared to 46.5 deaths per 100,000.

Exercise and a healthy diet are key to staying fit and healthy.

It’s a great time to stop smoking.

More men than women are likely to:

Coronavirus spreads by infected people coughing or sneezing small drops – containing the virus – into the air. They can be inhaled or spread to your eyes, nose, and mouth if they touch any surface.

It is important to avoid coughing, sneezing, touching your face with unwashed hands, as well as close contact with infected persons.

You should not go to work if you have a persistent, new or severe cough.

You or someone in your household may develop symptoms. The entire family should isolate for 14 days to watch for signs and symptoms.

Trouble breathing is the main reason why people require hospital treatment.

The NHS 111 website in the UK will help you with all your needs.

If you feel so weak that you cannot speak, you can call 999. This is a medical emergency.

The website will recommend calling NHS 111 to speak with a nurse if you have become seriously ill and can’t do your normal daily activities.