There are many signs to show when someone needs to see an endodontist. The major signs will be very painful and, if left untreated, result in many more problems in the long run. An endodontist is someone who specializes in the treatment and study of dental pulp, namely, nerves, blood vessels, and other soft tissues; they perform treatments such asroot canals, in addition to fixing broken or cracked teeth and problematic roots; additionally, they do replacements for knocked out or extracted teeth.  In other words, they’re specifically trained in diagnosing tooth pain and in saving your teeth from instances of excruciating pain. 

While you may think of a root canal as a common, if not every day, procedure, this is only true to a certain extent and it is, indeed, something that is best left to a specialist to complete if you want the best results; so, if you think you may need endodontic treatment – and you very well may – it is important to identify some of the signs of a compromised or damaged inner tooth and its matrix of tissues and nerves, particularly if you are experiencing: 

1.       Persistent pain, including fever

2.       Tenderness or sensitivity when eating and/or swollen neck glands

3.       Temperature sensitivity

4.       Color change, namely redness, and swelling of the gums

5.       Bad breath or bitter taste in mouth, usually caused by an infection or draining sore located on the gums


nice teeth

Endodontic therapy can be a touchy procedure requiring a great deal of precision and extensive training on the part of the practitioner, who needs to complete both dentistry school and then a specialization in endodontics subsequently; it takes a great deal of time and patience to become an endodontist, suffice it to say.While it is true that the fundamentals of endodontic procedures area requisite in dental school, general dentists typically avoid performing somekinds root canals and other similarprocedures, opting to determine via clinical examination whether or not the tooth pulp is infected or inflamed (thus calling for an pulp, i.e. endodontic specialist). 

In some cases, the pain may not be as blatant as one would expect, but despite this absence of intensity, other symptoms of infection may be looming – this is precisely why a specialist ought to be sought, and never a general dentist in isolation. 

There are many exceptional endodontists out there who will happily and effectively perform manifold procedures on your teeth; the main issue is determining whether or not you require their services. As symptoms of decay and infection can too easily be overlooked, it’s important to remember in one’s day-to-day life that if you notice even the slightest change in the details and sensations of your teeth, it might be necessary to see a specialist.