Washing hands is equally important as cleansing your face as various bacteria and viruses can be transferred into your body if you eat without washing your hands. Hence, liquid hand wash or hand sanitizer is essential to prevent any kind of contamination. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has helped people understand the necessity of keeping their hands hygienic at all times.

In this blog, let’s keep in mind the tips on how to follow and maintain hand hygiene.

Hand hygiene and soap bar

A wet soap bar is a host of several microbes and bacteria. Hence, whenever you use a soap bar to clean your hands, you invite germs and bacteria into your hands. Though rubbing a soap bar with water produces lather and removes germs and bacteria, the water is incompetent to remove all of them effectively. Hence, after the wash, the wet soap bar keeps accumulating more germs and bacteria. One should also avoid using soap bars in public places as it contains even more bacteria and germs as they are used by many.

Liquid handwash is a safer way to maintain hand hygiene

No doubt liquid handwash is far safer than a soap bar. Experts recommend using liquid handwash in comparison to soap bars, as this helps minimize health risks. Unlike soap bars, the handwash is filled in the bottle, making it less exposed to people’s bacteria and germs in their hands. The handwash can be refilled by cleaning the bottle and reused without any health risks. As it is filled in a bottle, it remains protected from external germs and bacteria and helps people maintain their hand hygiene effectively in the tough times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safeguarding hand hygiene through hand sanitizers

After the outbreak of COVID-19, people have become more inclined towards the use of hand sanitizers. People have started believing that hand sanitizers are their life saviour as it prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.

People usually get confused between handwash and hand sanitizer. There is a difference between restricting the spread of germs and reducing it. Hand sanitizers are good when you are on the move or traveling. But the same cannot be a replacement for liquid handwash. It is highly recommended that one should wash their hands thoroughly with the liquid handwash before their meals. Before getting hold of hand sanitizer, ensure that it contains at least 60% alcohol as anything lesser than it would not effectively combat germs and bacteria.

Wrap up

It is a fact that washing hands every time is not always possible. But one should practice washing their hands before a meal, after petting animals, handling garbage and so on. A little vigilance and carefulness in maintaining hygiene from our side will help us ensure long-term health benefits. Use liquid hand wash or hand sanitizer wisely and as per your discretion but ensure good hand hygiene.