If you are suffering from chronic back pain, you may be a candidate for surgery. Many people are hesitant to undergo surgery, but advances in medical technology have made it much less invasive. One such advancement is the Premia Spine TOPS System implant. This implant is designed to correct problems with the spine without the need for major surgery. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of the Premia Spine TOPS System implant and how it can help you find relief from your back pain.

Premia Spine TOPS System Implant/Benefits

The Premia Spine TOPS System implant is a new treatment for vertebral compression fractures. It is designed to stabilize the spine without the need for open surgery, and it can be completed on an outpatient basis in a shorter time period than traditional spinal fusion surgeries.

In many cases of back pain, the problem is from degeneration or disease affecting our discs. The Premia Spine TOPS System implant is designed to correct these problems without the need for traditional spinal fusion surgery. Traditionally, spinal fusion surgery is a major procedure that requires general anesthesia and an overnight hospital stay. The TOPS System implant can be completed in as little as two hours with only local anesthesia.

The Premia Spine TOPS System implant is also designed to correct problems with the spine without the need for major surgery.

How does the TOPS System work?

The TOPS System implant is implemented through a minimally invasive procedure. The surgeon will make two small incisions on either side of the spine and insert a tube through one of them. They will then use special tools to remove any damaged discs in your vertebrae before placing the implants into position with more tools inserted through the other incision site. This is great for the candidate because it means less pain and discomfort during recovery time without compromising on what is done.

Who is a good candidate for the implant?

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A good candidate is someone who suffers from chronic back pain and is not responding to traditional treatments like medication or physical therapy. An implant is also a good option for people who are not candidates for traditional spinal fusion surgery due to the health risks involved.

If you are suffering from chronic back pain, you may be a candidate for surgery. Many people are hesitant to undergo surgery, but with advances in medical technology, there are now many less invasive options available such as the Premia Spine TOPS System implant.

Risks and Complications

While the risks and complications for the TOPS™ implant are generally minimal, they include:

  • Bleeding in or around your spine
  • Infection at incision sites
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia used during surgery.

As with any surgery, there is always some risk of complications but most patients do not experience them when having this procedure done. The benefits far outweigh these risks for most people.

If you are considering surgery to alleviate chronic back pain, the Premia Spine TOPS System implant may be a good option for you.

Surgery Preparation

To prepare for your implant, you will need to stop smoking at least two weeks before your surgery. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and taking aspirin or ibuprofen products as they can increase the risk of bleeding. Be sure to tell your doctor about all medications you are currently taking, both prescription and over-the-counter.


After the surgery, you can expect to experience some swelling and discomfort at the incision sites. You will also likely be in a lot of pain. This is normal and can be managed with medication prescribed by your surgeon. Most people find that their pain improves significantly within the first few weeks after surgery.

You will need to take it easy for several weeks following surgery, avoiding any strenuous activity or lifting heavy objects. You will also be instructed not to drive until your doctor gives you the OK to do so. This is usually after two weeks have passed since surgery and you feel comfortable operating a vehicle safely again

You should talk with your doctor about what you can expect during recovery time and when it’s safe for them to return to work again.


A lot of people’s main concern is pricing. The good news is that the TOPS System implant is more affordable than traditional spinal fusion surgery. Talk with your surgeon to get a better understanding of the cost involved.

The Premia Spine TOPS™ System implant is a great option for people who are not candidates for traditional spinal fusion surgery.


The main benefits include :

Less pain and discomfort during recovery time without compromising on what is done. It often involves less postoperative pain than other types of back surgery such as spinal fusion and gives people with back pain a new sense of freedom, offering great relief with the new medical advancements.

Less bleeding with an increased chance that the operation could be performed on an outpatient basis, meaning lower costs and shorter hospital stays.

This means that you can get back to enjoying life sooner than if you had traditional spinal fusion surgery instead. You may even be able to go back to work in just two weeks!

The main disadvantages include bleeding in or around your spine infection at incision sites allergic reactions to anesthesia used during surgery.

Overall, the implant is a safe and minimally invasive procedure that can provide relief from chronic back pain for many people.

FAQs about the TOPS™ System implant

How long does it take to recover from an implant?

It takes approximately two weeks before you can return to work. The pain will be significantly less than what would have been experienced had traditional spinal fusion surgery been performed instead, so most people feel well enough after just one week at home or away from work!

Is there any special care needed after surgery?

Your doctor will recommend that you stay away from strenuous activity for several months but other than this, no special care is required

Will my insurance cover the cost of the TOPS™ System implant?

Check with your insurer to see what benefits they offer. Many people find that their health plans have some coverage for these types of procedures.


TOPS is a mechanical implant device used to replace the soft and bony tissues removed during decompression surgery. This surgical procedure is a great lumbar stenosis treatment (spinal canal narrowing), degenerative spondylolisthesis, and joint arthrosis. The system is designed to be used between the segments L2 and L5, which are commonly affected by lumbar stenosis.

Spine Fusion also uses decompression surgery, it then fuses together those two vertebrae. While this fixes the problem of too much movement, you can’t do much afterward and may have to use special tools to grab things on the floor. With Premia Spine TOPS System implant (more details on premiaspine.com) you will recover with your range of motion and can focus on improving. So click the link below to get started!