The shame pact.
This is how the agreement between the PP and VOX in Castilla y León, which leads this territory to be “the first region in Europe ruled by the extreme right”.
The PSOE is said, united we can and several of its main majority partners in Congress, such as ERC spokesman Gabriel Rufián, who has also pointed out that this pact arrives “thanks to the new and moderate PP of Núñez Feijóo.”

Socialists have also particularly linked this decision to the next PP leader trying to convey that this is the first decision that the Galician leader adopts, although he has not yet been chosen.
Something in which the PNV spokesperson has also encouraged at Congress, Aitor Esteban: “If this is the change … bad we come.”

“This is the PP of Feijóo,” summarize the Socialists.
A training that, despite the change in its dome, “does not deceive anyone”.
The “moderation” prescribed by Feijóo was “to open the doors of governments to the ultraragecha,” said the PSOE Organization Secretary, Santos Cerdán.

By the United States we can, its leader, Ione Belarra, has been expressed in the same sense, saying that “The Right Right Block in Castilla y León” and that “PP and Vox demonstrate with this agreement that are indistinguishable.”

Belarra has also made a national reading of the pact, anticipating that the Castile and Leon agreement can also be reproduced at the national level after the next general elections, a possibility that in fact point out many surveys.
“The democratic block must fight so that they do not reach the government of the State,” Belarra said.

On the alternative covenant that he had avoided Vox from entering the government, which was a support from the PSOE to the PP, he has pronounced the one who was his main defender, the mayor of Valladolid, Oscar Bridge.
He has reflected shortly before the constitutive session of the Cortes of Castile and León that “everything possible has been done” to reach an agreement that avoids the entry of VOX in an autonomic government, because it is an agreement that “has never occurred
In this country “and considers that” there are molds that cost to break. ”

Also Íñigo Errejón, leader of more country, has pointed out directly to the future president of the PP.
“It’s the letter of presentation of Mr. Feijóo, the moderate”.
The first thing he has done, says Errejón, has been “to reach a co-government agreement with the extreme right.”

But he also warns about this “mortgage” in which he has gotten: “All those who have approached the extreme right have disappeared from national politics.”