MOSCOW , Russia has seen a rise in coronavirus cases. Many Russian businesses are closed as a result. This is in response to a weeklong spike in the number of infections.

On Sunday, the national coronavirus taskforce reported that there were 40,993 new infections in the past day. This is more than 700 above the previous record from a day earlier. Russia has set a new record for October in terms of deaths and infections.

Sunday’s death toll was 1,158. This is slightly lower than Friday’s record 1,163.

This made Russia’s COVID-19 death toll record 238 538, which is the highest in Europe. In the country of 146million, more than 8.51 million cases of infection were recorded during the pandemic.

The task force only counts deaths directly related to the virus. Rosstat, the state statistics service, has released Friday figures that indicate a much higher death toll.

Rosstat reported that 44,265 deaths were directly caused by the virus in September. This would make Russia’s pandemic-long death count to 461,000 at the end September, almost twice that of the task force.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a period of non-working from October 30 through Nov 7, during which all state agencies and private companies will be closed. This was to limit the spread of infection.

Moscow implemented the measure on Thursday. It closed kindergartens, schools and gyms, entertainment venues, stores and most shops, and restricted takeout and delivery to restaurants. The measure was not implemented in food stores, pharmacies or companies that operate key infrastructure.

Only those who have digital codes on their smartphones to prove that they were vaccinated against COVID-19 or have recovered from it, are allowed to enter museums, theaters, and other venues in Russia. This practice will continue after Nov. 7. People over 60 who are not vaccinated have been told to stay at home.

Although the government hopes the nonworking period will reduce the spread of the virus by keeping people out of public transport and offices, many Russians used the time to go on vacation to the Black Sea or to Egypt or Turkey.

Russia’s slow pace of vaccinations is blamed by authorities for the soaring number of infections and deaths. As of Sunday, 51 million Russians had been fully vaccinated. This is just over a third.

Russia was the first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine. The shot was named Sputnik V by Russia to highlight its scientific achievements. The vaccination campaign was halted due to widespread public doubt. This is due to contradicting signals from the authorities.