It is 10.40 PM, as the Rapper Bushido occurs on Monday through a back door to the hallway of the Berlin criminal court. He is surrounded by the West by five masked, armed Bodyguards in bullet-proof, you join him in the hall of 500. There, his former business partner Arafat Abou-Chaker is on the dock waiting already, he looks at Bushido, who sits down on his place. The Berlin clan chief was gone a few minutes before across the hall, and shortly after, two of his brothers followed. A fourth brother could not take the public input, he is currently in custody.

Sebastian Eder

editor in the Department of society FAZ.NET.

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the four Abou-Chaker-brothers is since Monday at the country court of Berlin due to various allegations, to the detriment of Bushido negotiated. The process is the culmination of a conflict that is unique within Germany: One of the most successful musicians in the country had allied themselves with a criminal Clan, for years, profit from it, until he wanted to break up eventually and then massively threatened to be.

In the courtroom to be determined on Monday first, the person alien: Arafat Abou-Chaker, indicates that he was born in 1976 in Berlin, his wife is divorced, five children and trained as a car is a mechanic. Currently, he is on his own in the “letting”. His brothers have no professions learned, all three also have several children. Chief Prosecutor Petra Leister reads the indictment: Bushido just wanted to 2017 Abou-Chaker separate. The did not want to accept and Bushido offered, resigned to being occupied, a sum in the amount of several million euros, as too low dismissed. After that, the conflict should be escalated. Abou-Chaker are now accused of, among other things, heavy robber tried of extortion, deprivation of liberty, grievous bodily harm, coercion, abuse, and infidelity. His brothers should have each of the deeds involved. A brother is accused of in the March of 2018 with no Knowledge of Bushido 180,000 euros from a common company account withdrawn and to have Arafat Abou-Chaker passed.

the Central two Meetings in December 2017 and January 2018: Abou are in the process Chaker should have called Bushido, each in its office premises, from the inside completed and the Rapper together with his brothers for hours, verbally abused and harassed. It sets should be like: “hold your tongue, you piece of shit before I cut you.” Or: “You come out until you told us the truth.” While Leister presents these sentences on Monday, with reading Bushido, the indictment focused. He has become in the past months, which is significantly more muscular, eye contact with the Abou-Chaker, he avoids. The looks at Bushido on the other hand, and laughs at one point: As the Prosecutor describes, how Abou-Chaker open after the first Meeting in his office with the door again and Bushido have let go. That Abou-Chaker holds the allegations are ridiculous and that is no secret. The second Meeting is to be run for Bushido, however, is less benign. Abou-Chaker he threw a half-full water bottle made of hard plastic to the head with a chair after him have failed. Bushido should be easily hurt and because of that incident, later in the psychological treatment have gone.