living with the pandemic is tiring, because it is a permanent Overload. Also, because Corona has not one, but many speeds. Because, as the following fit together? The States open after the summer holidays back in the schools, with different rules, but with a hint of hope, that soon, right normal can be learned.

In some places, but schools close again, because there are infections. The company Curevac presents the accelerated approval of a Corona vaccine in a view. In some places, but the Corona to be recorded-test data with a pencil.

Maybe nothing for the feeling of perceived control of the Virus, such as the flight to Spain, and even of Mallorca on holiday. And now: Virtually the whole country has been declared by the Federal government to the risk area and with a trip to a warning.

Hard blow for Spain

The decision is correctly and consistently. Whether it’s the favorite island or not – the criteria set out for any place in the world. Making the decision to have suffered for Spain, whose country and people already under the Virus, another hard blow. Although Hoteliers Express the hope that the infection numbers soon go down and the season shifts to the rear. But no one knows whether this will happen.

The pandemic is also exhausting so, because her little plan is. Always obvious is why some scientists now speak of a first-or second-Corona-shaft, but of the length of the shaft.