The children of Alain Delon, Anouchka, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon, filed a complaint this Wednesday, July 5 against the actor’s companion for acts of moral harassment and misappropriation of correspondence, announced to AFP their attorney. “I suspect an abuse of weakness and I am counting on the investigation to establish it,” added Christophe Ayela, specifying that Alain Delon, 87, had joined the complaint with a written statement.

“Since Mr. Alain Delon’s cardiovascular accident in 2019”, the lady companion, who is installed at his home, “has been more and more aggressive, denigrating and insulting towards him, and towards his children,” the actor’s children’s attorney said in a statement.

She “never ceases to isolate Alain Delon from his relatives, his friends, and his family, using maneuvers and threats. She systematically monitors her telephone conversations and private messages. She answers for him pretending to be him, she tries to intercept his postal mail. She prevents her children from coming to see him regularly, as they have always done. She is authoritarian, threatening, even going so far as to mistreat Mr. Delon’s dog in an unacceptable way, ”continues Me Aleya.