After the drug-related death of two young people in Swabia, the police has arrested the alleged Dealer. As the Augsburg police headquarters announced on Wednesday, the 33-Year-old strongly suspected to engage in the trade with narcotics and also to one of the two deceased young drug delivered. On Wednesday, it was enacted against the man, therefore, warrant. The investigators are now checking whether any other persons have to do with the case something.

On the weekend had found the parents of a 16-Year-old from the North of the village in the district of Augsburg, their son and his 15-year-old friend dead in her house. The two teenagers had stayed in the parents house. At the autopsy, the court found a physician notes on drug use. The police also found in the environment of the young amphetamines.

The 33-Year-old comes from the spatial environment for the young people. He also lived in the Northern district of Augsburg, and was there taken to his place of residence fixed. The police did not indicate what the man says to the allegations.