After the introduction of the strict Corona-measures the consumption of illegal drugs in Amsterdam, strong back. In March, the half had been consumed in comparison to the previous year, less XTC and a quarter less cocaine, according to the Institute for the study of the water quality of KWR on Wednesday.

The Institute measures every year the traces of drugs in the effluents of the large Dutch cities. While in most of the cities in the consumption remained the same or decreased only slightly, the researchers found, however, in the capital city of a spectacular break-in.

The researchers had removed in March, a week after the closure of the cafes, Bars and pubs, as well as the setting of the air transport wastewater samples. No tourists and the stop of the night life, according to the researchers, the causes for the decline in drug use.

In Cannabis products such as hashish were the investigators, by the way, no change. These so-called soft drugs are available to buy in the Netherlands in the so-called Coffeeshops legally. It was also during the lock downs of the case. Stoner couldn’t buy there, as had their Joints were there but, as usual, Smoking. Other drugs however, such as the party drug XTC, amphetamines or cocaine are also banned in the Netherlands.

it is Unclear how long the lower drug use will continue. The Trimbos Institute for addiction issues after the first interviews that many of the low-countries would be exposed to the drug use only. As soon as the night-life that full again, you would probably take more cocaine or XTC, said a researcher from the daily newspaper “De Volkskrant”.