Despite the hopes of Bayer Leverkusen to a total of 10,000 Fans in Berlin’s Olympic stadium, it will be in the DFB Cup final on may 4. July against record champion Bayern Munich there is no significant viewer traffic. More than 1000 visitors are not allowed in the Arena, which offers almost 75,000 seats.

“The Boss is the legislature. In Berlin events for up to 1,000 spectators are allowed. If the Senate says Yes, we can, then we go to 1000,” said DFB President Fritz Keller in the ARD-magazine sports show theme: “It was the beginning of the week already held talks with the competent Senate of Berlin. Because the clear message was that there is no special position for the football. And I think that’s fine. The football needs no special position.“

a virologist has concerns

For the Hamburg virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit 1000 Fans would be even much. “You have to limit the number of spectators significantly. I think on a low three-digit range. Then you can implement it well,” said Schmidt-Chanasit: “The real danger is that it comes Event to a super-spreading. That one has an undetected Infected in the stadium, which can infect in these two hours there were hundreds of people.“