During sentencing, Jörg Geiger, the chief judge of the ninth criminal chamber of the Stuttgart district court characterized the act as “terrible and deeply despicable” or as “absolutely despicable”. Then again he describes the murder of 31.July 2019 as “a slaughter, a slaughter in the absolute destruction of delusion”. Finally, the chamber sentenced the 31-year-old Jordanians, Issa M., the “Stuttgarter sword murderer”, on Monday to 14 years in prison and arranges first placement in a psychiatric hospital, and the recovery of the samurai sword, with which the defendant had murdered a year ago, a man on the open road.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

The court was able to prove the defendant is neither lower motives still malevolence, says the judge in the judgment, but the murder trait of cruelty was fulfilled. “The big question in the proceedings was whether the desire for revenge of a man real, or if they were only imaginary,” says Geiger. The court had to decide on the basis of the psychiatric opinion between different interpretations of fact: Was the murder an act of self-justice? Or the defendant is not, or diminished capacity, because he acted in a religious delusion, without any relation to reality? Or votes, and the details of the accused and he was raped may be actually a victim of a violent crime?

At the end is convinced the chamber that M. s control ability on the Day was limited, he must have acted also in a religious delusion, he at the same time, but the illegality of his act was very well aware of. To the evidence, the court performs a Chat in which the defendant, a relative in Jordan, an illegal visa had been requested. He also said at a hearing, the amount of the prison sentence was he didn’t care.

delusions of partially faked?

For a mental illness of the defendant saith, that his state of mind, under the administration of neuroleptics in the prison hospital on the High Asperg Ludwig mountain has improved. Because the defendant has shown but before the murder in the Stuttgart Fasanenhof settlement never much of a religious person, and it speaks for his delusions – the alleged homosexual rape, the alleged forcible drug administration, the alleged swindling secrets – is there any evidence that a lot of evidence that the defendant could have fakes his madness in part also. The defenders had argued for the acquittal because of mental incapacity, the Notice in addition to suit for a life sentence and the Seriousness of the fault.