In the rescue operations following the part collapse of a house in Düsseldorf one of the missing construction worker has been found dead. The Dead man was buried under rubble and steel, said a fire Department spokesman on Tuesday. The body had not yet been able to be salvaged. You do not know yet what the Missing was. According to a second construction workers will continue the search.

The rear of the building in the city centre of düsseldorf within walking distance of the Königsallee was collapsed on Monday afternoon in part. In the courtyard of the building complex, which was renovated at the time of the collapse of the core, piled up a huge pile of rubble, scaffold parts and the wall pieces. The fire Department spokesman called the situation on the ground remains “very dynamic and unstable”. For the fire Department, 60 men were on the ground.

The whole night had been sought to access opportunities, said fire Department spokesman Stefan Gobbin early Tuesday morning. The first components had been vacated, in accordance with previous information already in the night aside. The multi-storey, vacant building was redeveloped, as the accident happened on Monday at lunch time. First of all, the forces of a Missing – a 39 were assumed to be-Year-old – who was presumed to be under the huge rubble of the mountain. In the evening, the fear came to be, that is another construction workers could be spilled.

in addition to the Missing ten men had worked in the building, the fire Department spokesman. One had been brought to because of a medical Emergency in a hospital, nine were initially maintained on site by the use of forces. You have no one physically got hurt.

Why a part caved in the rear house of the building – which is only a few minutes walk from the Königsallee – is still “totally open,” said Gobbin on Monday. The judicial police opened investigations.