Bauyrzhan Muzarbayev is a busy man. On Sunday in Munich, the Jockey had to rise at eight of the eleven races in the saddle. That meant eight times to change the racing outfit, the right Renngewicht weighing, with various trainers and owners of the tactics, discuss eight times on a different horse, and the practically in half an hour. Added to this were the numerous Interviews and victory ceremonies. Four were in Munich.

“If you Bauyrzhan Muzarbayev as a Jockey, then you can watch the final relaxed,” said Trainer Mario Hofer after the success with the three-year Vancuro the same at the start of the race. And the Munich-based Trainer Michael Figge, for which he won the three year old Mare Careera, was the question as to the abilities of the 27-Year-old into raptures: “not only is He a very good rider, barely makes a mistake, but also one that delivers to you after the race a lot of important information about the horse. This is a rare quality.“ A victory with the seven-year-old Luciani for Dominik Moser, and for his main employer, the Andreas Wöhler Muzarbayev gained a point with the four-year-old gelding, Dante.


Wöhler, for many years one of the most successful German Trainer at Gestüt Ravensberg in Gütersloh, was early on the great Talent carefully. He took him to his Stall, made him last September for the first man, and is the successor to the long-standing number one Eduardo Pedroza up. “It was obvious that the talented young man would eventually be his successor, but, as a rule, started to the right, Run up to him and several enticing offers on the table were you had to act, to be able to in the future count on him,” said Wöhler the step.

The native Kazakh began his Jockey career in 2012 in the Czech Republic, on horses he is much longer. “I come from a horse family, I’m in Kazakhstan at the age of nine distance race over many miles ridden. Gallop, I have learned to race but in the Czech Republic“, so Muzarbayev. And with a lot of success, three times he became Champion. Occasional guest rides in Germany were Galoppfan Ulf-Thomas Kühn, former head of the racing technology in Berlin-Hoppegarten, sit up and take notice. “He struck me in 2015, in Dresden, with his powerful and energetic Finish. Firmly to Germany took him but Jan Korpas, the 2016 assistant coach in Hoppegarten.“

Straightforward, single-minded and clear-thinking

Kühn, the Muzarbayev for a time as Agent-supported, describes the young man: “Bauyrzhan is a straightforward, single-minded and clear thinking person, completely without any airs and graces, humble and very polite.” But with a lot of ambition equipped. “I always want to give full throttle, and I’m very self-critical,” says Muzarbayev. “I always look to see all the races of me again, especially the one that didn’t win where I am.” More than 300 Times, he has risen this year, already in the saddle, much more so than his colleagues. 64 races he has won, a victory ratio of more than 21 percent – an outstanding value in view of the many inserts.

The second championship title seems to him safe, because his closest competitor, Maxim Pecheur is already 20 points. 2019 Muzarbayev 111 won the race. The last Champion that had won more than 100 races in Germany in a season that was in 2007, Eddy Pedroza up with 115 hits. A shortcoming, however, remains still. “I win a lot, but I still won a group I race. I also had a lot of good opportunities,“ Muzarbayev. In the Munich main event on Sunday, in the Great Dallmayr-Preis over 2,000 meters – the second of only seven German group-I exams, he had to watch, because his scheduled Ride on Laccario fell out. The Derby winner of 2019, was supposed to celebrate his season debut, was withdrawn in the middle of the week, surprisingly – because of a fever. The victory declined, as expected, to England. The six-year-old Barney Roy from the Godolphin stable of Dubai ruler Sheikh Muhammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum narrowly won.