The American television channel Fox News seems to be a good springboard to go from an American President Donald Trump as an Ambassador was sent to Germany. Richard Grenell, the held from may 2018 to June 2020, the United States in Berlin, was prior to his appointment, a regular commentator on the transmitter. Grenell has left the Post, however, and currently there are no from the us Senate Ambassador confirmed at the Pariser Platz. But Trump seems to be on the search for a successor to be able to find – again, on Fox News. As the White house announced on Monday, to Douglas Macgregor take over the Post.

Oliver Kühn

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Macgregor, a former officer in the American army, was promoted in his 28 years of service to the rank of Colonel. In the press release it is called, Macgregor was “an excellent Veteran with combat experience, author and consultant”. He was widely recognized as an expert for “the preparation of the armies and General strategy”.

With Trump on a wave length

but Above all, Macgregor is a follower of Donald Trump. He did this in his performances again and again. Trump will fight to protect the United States, he said in June of 2018, the Moderator Tucker Carlson. Each of the America-threatening, as long as Trump in the White house, to take psychiatric help. Repeatedly, he urged in articles and in the case of Fox News on a withdrawal of American troops from Syria and Afghanistan, which is in line Trumps. In contrast to this, he sees Iran as the biggest Problem of international politics, but Turkey. President Erdogan would like to be again the ruler of the former territories of the Ottoman Empire and wanted to establish an Islamic Regime, he wrote in March in the magazine “The National Interest”.