The mask requirement in long-distance transport is no longer applicable, protection against infection in the workplace is ending, the end of energy-saving lamps with mercury is approaching, the mealworm is approved as food and beer is becoming more expensive. This and other things await you in the new month.

Beer is getting more expensive

Drinking beer is becoming more expensive due to increased raw material prices for production, supply bottlenecks and rising costs for packaging and logistics. According to “Getränke-News”, Krombacher and Veltins are now followed by the Radeberger and Bitburger Groups and are announcing that they will raise prices. However, no specific figures have been given so far.

Masks in the first aid kit

According to the Federal Association of Bandages and Medical Products (BVMED), newly sold first aid kits for cars must contain two medical masks from February 1, 2023 in accordance with a new DIN standard. However, old first aid kits may still be used. No masks would have to be added here either, says the ADAC. The triangular cloth and bandage cloth, on the other hand, no longer have to be carried along.

Masks are not compulsory in long-distance transport

From February 2nd, travelers on long-distance public transport trains and buses will no longer have to wear a mask. The Federal Cabinet has passed a corresponding ordinance for this purpose. The background is the weakening pandemic situation.

Masks are not compulsory in public transport in some federal states

After the federal states of Bavaria, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein had already abolished the obligation to wear masks in local public transport, North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg will also follow suit from February 1st. In Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Lower Saxony, this will no longer apply from February 2nd and in Thuringia from February 3rd.

Masks are compulsory in medical and nursing facilities for the time being

The nationwide mask requirement in medical and nursing facilities, however, continues to apply until April 7th. It is not suspended by the ordinance to protect vulnerable groups.

End of energy-saving lamps with mercury

Mercury has been banned from electrical and electronic equipment for over 15 years. So far there have been exceptions for some types of fluorescent lamps. From 2023, EU law will finally ban the further production of these lamps. Existing stock items may still be sold and purchased.

In detail, the production stop from February 25, 2023 applies to so-called compact fluorescent lamps with plug-in bases and fluorescent lamps in a ring shape (type T5). The production ban for tubular fluorescent lamps (types T5 and T8) will take effect from August 25, 2023. On the basis of the EU Ecodesign Regulation, halogen pins (G4, GY6.35 and G9) will follow from September 1, which do not meet the minimum efficiency requirements fulfill more.

Relief for gas, district heating and electricity

Life has become expensive, which is mainly due to high energy costs. The federal government wants to save citizens even worse with price brakes for gas, district heating and electricity. These will exist from March 2023 and until the end of April 2024. However, they apply retrospectively for the months of January and February. The state caps the working price for 80 percent of the previous year’s consumption, for gas to 12 cents and for electricity to 40 cents, each per kilowatt hour. Any additional consumption will be billed at the working price of the current gas or electricity tariff.

House cricket and mealworm approved as food

House crickets processed into powder have recently been allowed in food and larvae of the grain mold beetle (mealworms) have been allowed in food since January 26, 2023. If insects are used, this must be indicated on the ingredients list of the products. The indication that allergic reactions are possible in people with an allergy to crustaceans and molluscs as well as to house dust mites must be included in the immediate vicinity of the list of ingredients. When it comes to approval, the EU rules on novel foods apply.

Protection against infection in the workplace ends

The Sars-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance expires on February 2nd. The regulation should help to better protect employees from a corona infection at work and thus also reduce their risk of contracting Long Covid. The ordinance ends a good two months earlier than planned. It was originally intended to apply from October 1, 2022 to April 7, 2023. They are replaced by corresponding recommendations from the Federal Ministry of Labor on health protection at work. Employers can use these to protect their employees if necessary – also to protect against other infectious diseases, such as the flu.

Low numbers of corona infections, mild courses of the disease and favorable forecasts mean that the binding legal measures for operational infection protection are no longer necessary. This enables the federal government to relieve companies and administrations of the corona occupational safety measures as early as February 2nd.

There is no obligation to isolate after a corona infection

In Hamburg (February 1), Bremen, Lower Saxony (February 2) and Thuringia (February 3), the obligation to isolate after a corona infection no longer applies.

Telephone sick leave is still possible

Insured persons who suffer from mild respiratory diseases can be given sick leave for up to seven days over the phone. The Federal Joint Committee has extended the special Corona regulation until March 31, 2023.

More drinking water fountains in public

All citizens should have access to high-quality drinking water in public spaces – that is the aim of the EU drinking water directive. If technically feasible and in line with local needs, municipalities should set up drinking water fountains – for example in parks, pedestrian zones and shopping arcades. The law came into force on January 12th.

More wind energy

By 2030, the amount of electricity from renewable energies is expected to double. Wind power will play an important role in this. The “Wind-on-Land-Gesetz” prescribes binding area targets for the federal states. Planning and approval procedures are accelerated. The law comes into force on February 1st.