Small Sensation in the Hamburg Hagenbeck zoo: a few days Ago there came a snow-white fur seal baby. The animal was own research, the only one born in a Zoo Albino fur seal baby in the world, a zoo spokeswoman said on Monday the German press Agency in Hamburg. The birth of the Navy seals girl had expired in mid-June without a problem and even before the eyes of the visitors. The still nameless Baby, it is going very well.

with his mother Lucy, it spends the first few weeks in a separate to Go area of the Arctic ocean. Through a sight glass, the albino females can be observed intermittently. Father of the eye-catching young animal was fur seals male Gringo who had died in 2019 of old age. The gestation period for seals is about one year.

albinism is a genetic mutation that occurs very rarely. It goes hand in hand with white skin and red eyes. It is a disorder in the formation of color, the skin, hair, feathers, and eye color.

Bad chances in the wild

In the wild the Albino Boy only small chances of Survival would have, because it is seen because of the eye-catching colour of the coat faster enemies. And without camouflage, it can’t make as good of loot. “A Problem that remains the albino girl, the pet Park saves”, such as the animal Park writes.

South American fur seals are reported to be on the red list of threatened species, the world conservation Union. In a free country – from the coasts of Uruguay, Peru, Chile and Argentina – are about 400,000 of them. 19 animal gardens and Zoos to keep the Zoological Information Management System according to fur seals. The Hagenbeck zoo is home with his now seven animals (one male and six females), Europe’s largest group.