After the most destructive wildfire in California history, the had been looking for one and a half years, the town of Paradise and surrounding communities home, the energy company Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) the negligent killing of 84 people found guilty. Of the electricity supplier to gave on Tuesday before the Supreme court in Butte County, to have the so-called Camp Fire by negligence caused.

investigations revealed that on the Morning of 8. November 2018, the ailing hook of a Strommasts was broken. The sparks set the dry undergrowth on fire. Within a few hours, the flames destroyed the city of Paradise. As cars, the roads, the mountainous Region of the North columns blocked to the East of San Francisco, escaped many of the 27,000 residents to walk. As the fires were contained to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada after more than two weeks, there were more than 80 Dead. In Paradise and neighboring communities such as Concow and Magalia of 19,000 residential houses, office buildings and barns burned almost.

“PG&E will forget the Camp-fire, and all that it has to cost the Region, never. We regret the accident and its tragic consequences,“ said company CEO Bill Johnson on Tuesday before the court. The bankruptcy of PG&E to ward off, he had agreed months ago with the Prosecutor and the Federal authorities on the payment of 13.5 billion dollars in damages for the victims. Although the investigation revealed that PG&E had neglected the obligation to establish an adequate maintenance of current facilities, costs, saw the court of imprisonment.